Campus Profiles

  • The Campus Profiles are a local accountability measure to better inform our community about our commitment to the community to provide a more robust educational experiences to our students.  In LISD, we believe that Texas students would be better served by a comprehensive community-based accountability system that looks beyond high-stakes, multiple-choice tests to meaningful assessments that have value for students, parents, and teachers, as well as measures what each community deems important in promoting college and career readiness.  The LISD  Campus Profiles reflect the belief of our community that:

    • Students’ needs are the center of our learning community.
    • Education is the shared responsibility of students, staff, and community.
    • High quality staff are the heart of a culture of learning.
    • A safe and nurturing environment is essential for a sense of well-being.
    • Continuous improvement informs and inspires future growth.
    • Students are more than a test score.

    True accountability can’t come from a state or national system; it must be a respectful partnership between state and local interests. It must come from the community’s hopes and dreams for its children.