Transition Services refers to a coordinated set of activities for a student with a disability, designed within an outcome-oriented process, which promotes movement from school to post-school activities including, but not limited to:
- Post-Secondary Education
- Vocational Assessment and/or Training
- Integrated Competitive Employment (including supported employment)
- College/Adult Education Support Services
- Work and Volunteer Experience
- Independent Living Skills
- Linkage to Community Agencies
Please contact the special education office at 469-713-5203 if you have questions about LISD transition services.
For a copy of The Texas Transition & Employment Guide, click HERE for English and HERE for Spanish. To access the Texas Transition website, please click HERE.
LISD Transition and Employment Designee: Dr. Lisa Davison, davisonl@lisd.net
When does Transition begin?
While children and families experience many transitions over the years, three predictable transitions occur when:
- Reaching school age
- Approaching adolescence
- Moving from public school toward adulthood.
The law mandates that the school focus on transition must begin by the age of 16, but preparing for a successful transition actually begins the moment a student starts school.
When does Transition end?
Students with disabilities can remain in school through age 21 if there are continuing transition needs. These may include the need to acquire the skills necessary for independent living or employment. These needs must be stated in the IEP and must include community-based instruction, learning experiences and other adult objectives.
Who is involved with Transition?
Various individuals such as the student, parents, family members, school staff, and agency personnel, work together as a team to develop an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) based on the student’s interests and preferences as outlined in the student’s transition plan.
What is the purpose of Transition?
The purpose of transition services is to incrementally prepare students with disabilities to live, learn and work within the community by providing them with career and life skills, knowledge and experiences. Transition planning focuses attention on how the student's educational program can be planned to help the student make a successful transition to his or her goals for life after high school, including:
- Providing instruction and courses of study that is meaningful to the student's future and will motivate the student to complete his or her education
- Teaching students the skills and knowledge needed in adult life (including career development and occupational skills)
- Providing contacts (linkages) with adult agencies to provide a smooth transition
What are Transition Activities?
Some of the activities LISD staff will use to support, encourage and assist students as they make the transition into adulthood are:
- Conducting strength and interest-based aptitude and career assessments
- Coordinating and conducting transition planning meetings that include the student, parents, agencies and other stakeholders
- Conducting classes and activities that promote self-advocacy and self-determination
- Taking students on college tours
- Providing job shadowing opportunities, resume and interviewing skills, training experiences, and additional work-based learning opportunities
- Taking parents on group home, sheltered workshop and day program tours
- Advocating for student and parent's needs
- Aiding students and parents in the completion of necessary forms to obtain services
- Informing parents and students of training and employment opportunities
- Holding parent workshops for college-bound students to provide information regarding accommodations and access
- Hosting the Transition Open House