
  • Lewisville ISD is proud to be a leader in the fields of dyslexia evaluation and remediation. Our district invests in our students at every level.

    LISD has 61 Dyslexia Interventionists providing services to our students on a daily basis. Every elementary campus in LISD has at least one full-time Dyslexia Interventionist. Additionally, every middle school in the district also has at least one Dyslexia Interventionist to serve our students.

    The 9th-grade centers and every high school in the district also have Dyslexia Interventionists to serve every student who is in need of dyslexia services. 


    Read below to check out just a few of our success stories!


    I wanted to share this incredible news with you. My son received a Masters Grade Level in reading on this year’s STAAR. I wanted to thank you for all of the time and energy you put into him. I hope that this is truly rewarding for you because I consider you the biggest influence on his academic career. You hold a special place in his heart and have instilled him with the confidence and the ability to go far.  

    - LISD Parent


    Hi!  I have dyslexia. I didn’t know that I had dyslexia until I was in 2nd  grade. So, for 2 years I was struggling. I didn’t want to come to school because I was afraid I would make a bad grade. Reading was hard for me. My MTA Teacher helps me learn how to unblend words and read them. I know how to read a word by using ‘cover/uncover’.  Now that I’m in 3rd  grade I feel like I can read more. I like coming to school, now, since I come to MTA.  I can read now! 

    - LISD 3rd Grader


    A very smart student at my campus, entered the program when he was in first grade. He struggled blending sounds and recognizing letters and sounds. Despite his difficulties and while participating in the Dual Language Program since first grade. He was determined to succeed in reading. He has been successful in passing the STAAR Reading test since he was in 3rd grade and this year, in 5th grade, he mastered it. He was dismissed from the dyslexia program in February and I know he will continue to be a successful reader in Middle School. I’m very proud of him!

    - LISD Dyslexia Interventionist


    I have a 2nd-grade student who was just identified this year. The first time I met her parents, they said, through lots of tears, they were not doing reading homework at all – no apologies. They also said they would never make her read at home…it was too painful.  This precious child now READS EVERY NIGHT! She takes home at least 5 books every night from my classroom library. She reads on Learning Ally. She has fallen in love with Magic Treehouse. I get pictures and video from Mom all the time of her reading. Mom cries every time we talk.  SUCCESS!

    - LISD Dyslexia Interventionist


    I was just talking to one of my former students, who is finishing her freshman year at FM9.  She continually tells me how much the MTA program has helped her. Last night she shared with me that because she scored so well on her SATs, she was exempt from taking STAAR reading.

    - LISD Dyslexia Interventionist