Old Settlers Elementary

Lewisville Independent School District

Home of the Stars

At-home learning to continue through the end of the school year.

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Welcome Message


    Old Settlers Stars

    Welcome to Old Settlers

    Elementary School!

    A community of students, parents and teachers committing ourselves in an enriched atmosphere of mutual respect and acceptance, to become life-long learners in an ever-changing world... Learners today, Leaders tomorrow! Students, staff and community design and implement a learning organization that provides engaging, innovative experiences every day.


                           OSE Star Pledge

    As an OSE Star…

    I can show a Spirit of gratitude by appreciating all that I have and the opportunity to learn.

    I can Treasure relationships by being kind and respectful of others.

    I can work toward Academic achievement by doing my best everyday.

    I can model Respectful communication by treating others the way I want to be treated.

    I can be a part of a Supportive community by working with others to achieve our goals.

    I will strive to follow these core values every day.