
  • THANK YOU for responding to the 2020 census

    Data collection for the 2020 Census is now closed. Thank you for counting for your family, our community and Lewisville ISD. See below for general information about the census.

    What is the census and why is it important?
    Every 10 years, the United States Census Bureau conducts the U.S. Census, a count of our country’s population and households. The data collected by the U.S. Census ultimately helps determine areas such as federal funding and congressional seat apportionment, impacting the future of our communities and our voice in Congress. 

    According to a May 2019 study by the George Washington Institute of Public Policy, in 2016, data gathered from the 2010 Census determined $900 billion was distributed by 325 census-guided federal spending programs. Some of these programs are specifically geared toward public education including the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Title I Grants, Head Start, Special Education Grants and much more. The State of Texas received $59.4 billion in federal funding in 2016, based on data derived from the 2010 Census. In fact, per the GW Institute of Public Policy, more than $1.4 billion has been allocated to Texas each year for Title I funding. Beyond public education, federal funds also impact our health care, housing, transportation, and more.

    In Lewisville ISD, our students count every day. Be counted for LISD and our communities.


  • Census FAQs
  • Census Confidentiality