Election Resources

  • Check your county’s website for early voting dates and times.

    A few tips as you make your way to the polls:

    1. Take a moment to see if your House or Senate district changed this year.
    2. Inform yourself. Prior to any election, you’ll want to take some time to research your candidates. Be sure you know where your candidates stand on public education. We have up-to-date resources and important election dates available below.
    3. Education is ALWAYS on the ballot. Public education is a core issue for candidates, regardless of the seat for which they’re running. Funding, curriculum, benefits, and school policies are just a few of the recurring issues that come up. Opting out of these important discussions that impact our work is simply not an option.
    4. Vote. Your vote is your voice and your voice matters. From your local school board and city or town council elections to the Presidential ballot, every single election presents you with the opportunity to make your voice heard, so don’t miss it.
    5. Finally, vote together. Encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to vote, too, and help instill a culture of voting in each election. Our students, families, and communities are counting on you and your work is too important to skip the ballot box. Thank you for using your #TXTeacherVoice every time #LISDVotes!

    Below are general voting resources:

    Where can I find information about voting in my county?

    Voter guides aim to educate the public on candidates and ballot measures. These guides provide personalized ballots based on your home address and will give you information such as a candidate’s position on issues or their education and professional experience. 

    Teacher voices need to be heard! Learn more about the election, the candidates and what you can do as an educator.

    There are many nonpartisan resources available online – from general voting information to fact-checking websites.