
  • Students who attend a private/homeschool within the boundaries of LISD may be referred for special education evaluation if the parent suspects the student has a disability.

    • If the student resides in LISD and attends a private school in LISD, the parent may contact the school their child would attend if enrolled in LISD.
    • If the student resides in LISD and attends a private school located outside of LISD, the parent should contact the school district in which the private school is located. The law changed on July 1, 2005, and requires the district in which the private school is located to provide services for parentally placed private school children (20 USC 1412 (a)(10)(A)(II).
    • If the student resides outside of LISD and attends a private school in the boundaries of LISD, the parent may contact the Special Education office at 469-713-5203.

    LISD consults with private/homeschools in LISD regarding the plan to expend the proportionate share funds used by the district to provide services for students.

    If you have a concern or comment regarding the plan for services please contact the Special Education office at 469-713-5203.