Homeless Education Assistance

  • The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act and state law protect the rights of Homeless Children and Youth to receive a free and appropriate public education. Nearly everyone who is between the ages of 5 and 21 on September 1 of the school year and has not been expelled has the right to attend school, even if they:

    • Do not have a permanent address
    • Have a previous address in another town or state
    • Do not live with a parent or legal guardian
    • Live temporarily doubled-up with friends or family
    • Sleep in a shelter
    • Sleep in a campground, car, abandoned building, or other facility not designated for, nor ordinarily used as a regular accommodations for human beings
    • Do not have school records
    • Need help getting vaccinations or TB skin test


    For more information, please contact Monya Crow at crowm@lisd.net or 972-350-4768, McKinney-Vento Liaison.


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    Frequently Asked Questions

    • What students are considered homeless?
      Students who:
      • Reside in emergency shelters/transitional housing
      • Reside in motels/hotels
      • Reside in home of friends or relatives due to economic hardships 
      • Students who are unaccompanied by their parent or legal guardian
      • Students who do not reside in a permanent dwelling
    • What are some common causes of homelessness?
      • Economic challenges such as poverty, unemployment/underemployment, lack of affordable housing, or single parent/single income
      • Health challenges such as disabilities, mental health issues, or substance abuse
      • Trauma such as domestic violence, child abuse, or natural disasters
      • Acute conflict such as pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, or blended family issues
      • Emergency Shelter/Transitional Housing policies such as lack of space
      • Deportation

    If a family is in need of a deposit or rent payment for housing can the Homeless Education Program assist?
    Lewisville ISD does not have funding to assist with deposit or rent payment, but we can connect you to resources available in the community. Please refer to the resources section for further information & resources in order to assist with housing hardships and other specific needs.
    What are the next steps to take in order for family/student to receive assistance through McKinney Vento services?
    Contact the registrar where students attend and request to fill out a Student Residency Questionnaire Form. Families and/or students should then be referred to Counseling staff to assist with making requests to the Homeless Education Program for materials and/or transportation needs.
    What is a Student Residency Questionnaire?
    An SRQ or Student Residency Questionnaire is a form that determines homeless status.
    What kinds of needs can the Homeless Education Program assist with?
    The Homeless Education Program can address immediate needs such as requests for transportation, clothing, hygiene items, and emergency food. The Homeless Education Program can also assist with advocacy with the enrollment process following the Mckinney-Vento Act standards.
    Does a homeless student need documents in order to enroll in school?
    No, the student does not need the documentation when enrolling. They have a 30-day window to provide required enrollment documents.