• Q&A
    Lewisville ISD 1:X Initiative

    What is 1:X?

    1:X is a groundbreaking, transformative installation of a flexible learning environment that gives students tools to access, create, share and collaborate as digital citizens. It is a reflection of our commitment to provide all students with a personalized educational experience.
    1:X helps students, parents and teachers collaborate anytime, anywhere by providing the right technology at the right time – whether a laptop (MacBook Air), tablet (iPad) or other mobile device, depending on the learning task. These mobile devices provide students with valuable educational resources, which are proven to increase achievement and engagement.
    To provide students with choice, 1:X combines the following elements in conjunction with LISD’s “Bring Your Own Technology” (BYOT) policy:

    • Students in grades 4 - 12 receive an iPad to use at school and at home to encourage and support anywhere, anytime learning
    • Students in grades 2 - 3 will have access to class sets of iPads
    • Classroom access to MacBook Airs and Dell Chromebooks
    • MacBook Pros for every teacher and administrator

    How did 1:X get started?

    This initiative is part of LISD’s Strategic Design Goal 2: to engage learners through the use of technological tools to access, create and share content, as well as collaborate with other learners throughout the world.

    Is LISD replacing textbooks with digital content?

    LISD is transitioning from sole dependency on textbooks to an environment that allows access to a much greater range of educational materials and experiences. Printed textbooks will still be available during this transition period. Over time, digital textbooks and other resources will be adopted.

    How much student work will be online?

    Online work will vary per classroom and per campus. LISD is leveraging systems such as Google Apps for Education that allow students to work both on- and offline.

    Do students have to participate in 1:X?

    Parents may opt for their child not to receive a district-issued device. LISD has provided an additional option for parents to opt into the 1:X program with no insurance coverage. No student will be disadvantaged if a parent chooses to opt out of receiving an iPad.

    Will there be an evaluation of the decision to use Apple products?

    Technology will continue to support a dual/multi-platform environment on an ongoing basis, and will evaluate technology devices on a regular basis based on an internally-developed rubric.

    What devices will students receive?

    Students in grades 4th–12th will receive iPads for school and home use. In class, they may have access to MacBook Airs. Students will also be provided with a sturdy, protective case for their device that gives a high level of protection against damage. The device MUST be in the District provided case at all times.

    Why Apple devices?

    Apple devices such as the iPad and MacBooks are proven, media-rich creation tools with a track record of large, successful implementations across the United States. The ease of use and ability to create content empowers students to meet the mission, vision and goals of LISD’s Strategic Design.

    Can students use their own personal devices?

    Yes, students can use their own devices. However, students and parents/guardians must still adhere to LISD’s BYOT policies and regulations. LISD builds its systems to be device agnostic, so Windows, Android and Apple devices will all function in the BYOT model.

    Can my child personalize the iPad case using markers, stickers, paint, etc.?

    No. The iPad case provided by LISD must be returned as it was given, so the district asks that no personalization be done to the iPad case.

    Can my child add screensavers and backgrounds to his/her iPad?

    Yes. Students may change the iPad background and/or add an appropriate screensaver to the device. However, inappropriate media may not be used as a screen saver or background on the iPad. Presence anywhere on the iPad of weapons, pornographic materials, inappropriate photographs and/or language, alcohol, drugs, and R-, X- or gang-related symbols or images will result in disciplinary action.

    Does my child need a passcode to lock the iPad from unwanted access?

    LISD recommends students have a passcode on their device to prevent it from being used by anyone, anytime, as the student is responsible for content loaded onto their district-issued iPad. No matter the age of the student, parents/guardians should know the passcode in order to monitor their child’s use of the device.

    Can students take the devices with them to the next grade level?

    Yes, students are able to take their device with them to the next grade level and keep it during the summer. LISD offers technology assistance and repair throughout the school year and summer.

    When does a student return their device to the district?

    Students leaving the district for graduation or any other reason must return their device to LISD prior to departure. See the 1:X Student/Parent Handbook for details.

    Do I need an Apple ID? How do I set it up?

    Apple IDs are not needed to push managed apps to iPads that are on iOS 9 or higher but there are still instances in which Apple IDs are needed to use certain apps like iTunes U. Apple IDs are not required by LISD. Instructions on how to setup an Apple ID, if so desired, can be found at Create an Apple ID.

    If a student is going to use a parent/guardian’s Apple ID, will the items they downloaded automatically appear on the student’s LISD-issued iPad?

    Not necessarily. The student’s iPad should be configured properly and have the iCloud account turned off if a parent/guardian’s Apple ID is used. Each family mobile device can be configured and customized independently from others, but it is important to be aware of which account services are turned on and off.

    What if my child gives his/her Apple ID information to someone?

    If this occurs, be sure to visit Apple’s website and change the password in order to secure the account and content. Students are asked to keep their Apple ID information and password confidential. No matter the age of the student, parents/guardians should know the student’s Apple ID information in order to monitor their child’s use of the device.

    Do we have to pay for applications (apps)?

    Students will not be required to purchase paid apps. There are many free, educational apps available that are appropriate for classroom instruction. Teachers are always happy to recommend free apps that support learning. If a parent/student wishes, they may purchase a paid app. Any student/parent purchased apps will no longer be available on LISD elementary iPads.

    Can I remove district apps on my child’s iPad?

    District-purchased apps, such as textbooks and content-related or multimedia apps, may not be removed from the student’s iPad.

    How will the devices be managed?

    Devices will be managed utilizing a mobile device management solution (MDM). The MDM solution allows LISD administration to review usage of applications, application deployment and application control, such as the ability to lock the device in instances that are deemed disruptive or inappropriate.
    Appropriate use of devices by students is an expectation by LISD. The user whose name the device is issued will be responsible at all times for its acceptable use. The Public Information Act governs contents of email and network communications. District-issued devices may be selected at random during the school year for inspection.

    Does LISD filter inappropriate content in the Apple App Store?

    LISD provides filtering for all Apps rated “17+” in the App Store. Parents/guardians should be aware of what apps their children install on their district-issued device and have conversations with them about Apps that are appropriate versus inappropriate. Parents/guardians have full rights to customize the device and limit/restrict App installation.

    Does LISD filter inappropriate music and video in the iTunes Store?

    LISD blocks explicit music and videos in the iTunes Store. In addition, parents/guardians can set up music-related restrictions on their child’s district-issued iPad.

    Can students load whatever they want on a district-issued iPad?

    Only the LISD App Store will be available on the elementary student iPads. Only approved, specific apps will be installed by LISD on student iPads to prevent any unwanted apps (all apps reviewed for instructional value and appropriateness). Any student/parent purchased apps will no longer be available on LISD elementary iPads.
    The secondary student App guidelines allow more flexibility in the Apps available to students while still providing an added layer of protection. The Apple App Store is available on the LISD secondary iPads. Students will have the ability to add apps that meet their educational needs. LISD cannot prevent the download of any App “4+” through “12+”. LISD does, however, monitor and maintain a list of apps deemed potentially dangerous to minors. Any app on this list is not allowed on the student device. A list of unapproved apps is available on the LISD internet at LISD Unapproved App List.

    What if I do find explicit content on my child’s device through the App, iTunes or iBooks Stores?

    If parents/guardians find content that is explicit in nature, they are encouraged to talk to their child’s campus administrator who will report the content for evaluation by Apple. It is primarily the iPad user’s responsibility to tag content – such as an explicit book – when publishing to the iBook Store. Apple has a content review team in place, but on occasion, an omission by an author can be missed.

    Is it possible for students to unlock or “jail break” the iPad’s system to get to inappropriate content?

    No system is fail-safe, including from LISD filters. Students who are bypassing LISD’s filters are in violation of LISD’s acceptable use policy, or AUP, and the 1:X Resources & Handbook.

    Is there a way to receive an alert if my child searches for an inappropriate word or uses the iPad after hours?

    Currently, LISD does not have systems in place that allow these types of alerts. Parents/guardians are encouraged to use apps or network-level security to set up the best environment for their home. There are a number of systems, software and apps available to provide these types of services.

    What is LISD doing about security?

    LISD filters block inappropriate websites rated 17+ anytime devices are connected to the Internet – a federal requirement of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Attempts to view inappropriate content will display a “blocked content” page on the device. Inappropriate content is not allowed on any district device.
    Parents can check to see if their student’s device is filtered by going to: https://www.example.com FROM the student’s device. The page should be blocked. If it is not, parents should work with campus administration to ensure their student’s device is setup properly.
    As digital natives, LISD students have grown up knowing the importance of being responsible digital citizens, and students and parents/guardians are required to sign an Acceptable Use Policy, or AUP, stating they have read, understand and will honor these standards. More information about Internet Safety is found in the 1:X Student/Parent Handbook.

    Does LISD maintain a list of blocked sites? Does the server block Facebook and other social media?

    LISD does not provide a list of blocked sites, though the district maintains blocked categories on a daily basis. Parents/guardians can submit block requests to helpdesk@lisd.net. Parents/guardians can also access a block/unblock form on the 1:X website.
    LISD’s content filter does block Facebook and some other social media sites, but not all. LISD believes there are some social media sites that empower the instructional processes in the classroom and help students connect to learn. Social media sites will be evaluated on an ongoing basis.
    Students and parents/guardians should always follow the terms of service outlined in a social media site’s End User Licensing Agreement.

    Can parents/guardians utilize additional security settings and apps?

    Parents/guardians should always be in control of when and how their child’s device is managed. Parents can use additional controls through the screen time function in the iPad settings.

    What if students don’t have Internet access at home?

    iPads can function without Internet using apps and content that has been preloaded. Teachers can load or share instructional materials such as reading assignments, video clips and more for students to use offline. Students can also compose documents and create projects with the preloaded apps on the device. Saving webpages from Safari to the Reading List is a way to ‘capture’ the page and read later without wireless access. Free Wi-Fi hotspots are also available around the LISD community at various restaurants and businesses.  

    What training is available for 1:X?

    Summer technology professional learning is offered for teachers. Campuses hold parent information night events to meet the needs of their parent communities at different points during the school year. Students will participate in ongoing training throughout the school year, practicing good digital citizenry within their classroom learning environments. For more information about Digital Citizenship and Internet safety, visit the 1:X website at 1:X Resources & Handbook or go to www.i-SAFE.org.

    How do I take care of my device?

    It is imperative to keep the devices clean and in working order. Below are some tips to care for device screens:

    • Be cautious about what is placed on the screen that could cause pressure, water and/or heat damage
    • Do not place the device between large books or in binders in a backpack
    • Clean the screen with a soft, dry cloth. Do not use Windex or harsh chemicals on screens.
    • Do not leave a device in an environment with extreme temperatures such as outdoors in the sun or in a car.

    Each device comes with a power adapter and usb cord, which should be used to charge it each evening at home. The charge should last throughout the school day.  

    Does LISD have a way to monitor the cameras on the iPads?

    Cameras cannot be monitored by LISD systems. However, the iPad’s camera can be restricted using the device’s parental restrictions, if desired.

    Can parents/guardians restrict access to email apps and email through the iPad’s browser?

    Students can set up personal email accounts if parental restrictions do not prevent it. Parents/guardians can disable this component if they deem it necessary. Keep in mind that email can also be accessed via a web browser, and a parent/guardian wishing to restrict email access in the browser should disable Safari and use a ‘safe search’ browser. Because LISD filters student devices, the district does not endorse a specific browser; a number are available.

    Does my child’s device have anti-virus protection?

    iPads do not run on anti-virus software. LISD does have anti-virus software on district-issued MacBook Pro and MacBook Air computers. There is a content filter that runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week for all student devices in-district and at home.

    How long does it take LISD to repair a broken or cracked iPad screen?

    Cracked iPad screens typically take about 48 hours to repair, but this timeframe may vary depending on the type of damage to the device and the third-party company LISD works with to make the repairs.

    What are the consequences for inappropriate use of the iPad?

    Appropriate use of the district-issued device is an expectation of the district. The student whose name the device is issued to will be responsible for its acceptable use at all times. Any improper use will be in violation of the district’s Acceptable Use Policy, or AUP.
    If someone else uses your child’s iPad and violates LISD’s acceptable use policy, your child is responsible. The district cooperates fully with local, state and federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to violations of computer crime laws. The Public Information Act governs content of email and network communications.

    How can I help my child become a better digital citizen?

    Parents can take steps to help their children become better digital citizens, including:

    • Do not reveal your full name, telephone number, home address, social security number, credit card number or password(s) to other people
    • Remember that online storage is not guaranteed to be private and/or confidential
    • If you inadvertently access a website containing obscene, pornographic or otherwise offensive material, notify a teacher or administrator immediately so such sites can be blocked

    For more information about Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety, visit the 1:X website at 1:X Resources & Handbook or go to i-SAFE.org

    What if my child’s device is lost or stolen?

    If a device is lost or stolen, a student should notify the campus office within 5 business days after the occurrence. A police call number or offense number is required in the case of theft, vandalism, and other criminal acts.
    Apps such as “Find My iPhone” (requires the use of an Apple ID and iCloud account) are available to be set up and used by all students and parents on the devices. LISD can remotely lock the device or wipe the data on a lost, missing or stolen device to protect the student/parent/guardian data on that device.
    A student making a false report will also be subject to disciplinary action as outlined by LISD’s Student Code of Conduct.

    Can the district inspect my child’s iPad?

    Yes. A student’s district-issued iPad may be selected at random at any time during the school year for inspection to check for restricted images, settings, etc. Parents/guardians should also feel comfortable checking their child’s iPad for inappropriate content at any time.

    Does 1:X cost anything?

    You will pay a nonrefundable annual fee of $30 for the LISD Replacement Benefit Program.

    [COVERS A ONE-TIME REPLACEMENT FOR ACCIDENTAL LOSS AND DAMAGE.) If a device is damaged while not in a District issued case, an additional $40 fee will be charged.]

    More information about the fee options may be found in the 1:X Student/Parent Handbook under “Fees and Descriptions.”

    If I want to pay the annual Replacement Benefit Program fee, but I can’t or don’t want to pay online, can I still pay the fee on campus?

    Yes, this is an option. Please see your child’s campus office staff for more information.

    How do I pay if I don’t have a credit card?

    Parents/guardians are advised to purchase a pre-paid credit card and use it as the payment method. Stores such as Kroger and CVS offer MasterCard pre-paid credit cards that do not charge a fee.

    What is 1:X costing LISD?

    LISD invested $1.9 million in 2008 Bond funds to purchase student devices for the three model implementation campuses during the 2012-2013 school year. Student devices for the 2013-2014 rollout were purchased at $9.3 million from Bond funds, as well.
    LISD does not have a long-term contract with any company for purchasing student devices and will continually evaluate current market trends for the best device available that meets the goals and objectives of the district. Funds from the optional replacement benefit program will be continually monitored and adjusted based on an evaluation of program costs.

    Where can I find out more information about 1:X?

    More information about the 1:X initiative may be found at 1:X Resources & Handbook.

    For 1:X device support, contact LISD’s Help Desk at helpdesk@lisd.net.