Digital Tools
Lewisville ISD is committed to providing digital access for learning through online materials, resources, and applications. This page is designed to provide information related to the digital resources that are used and accessed within LISD.
Google Apps for Education (GAFE)
Students in the Lewisville Independent School District are supplied with a resource, Google Apps for Education (GAFE). Google Apps is a set of online tools for communication, collaboration, time-management, and document storage provided by Google to the district at no cost. Click on the link below to get more info on these tools:
Web-based resources accessed through the Learning Hub (LHub)
There are a variety of resources and strategies that we use for learning in our classroom, including instructional materials that are both digital and traditional. What we knew as “textbooks” are now a large variety of instructional materials, and the digital resources are portable and much more interactive than traditional texts. LISD wants to make sure we provide information to parents and guardians of what will be used in class and what you should see at home.
Click here for a list reflective of each campus level
High School LISD Unapproved Apps
The secondary guidelines allow more flexibility.
Apple App Store is available on district iPads in High School grade levels. Students can download apps with an Apple ID. There are some apps that LISD deems inappropriate. While LISD deems these apps inappropriate, currently there is no technical mechanism for blocking installation of these apps on the secondary student device. However, beginning in the Fall of the 2018 -2019 school year, LISD began hiding Unapproved apps on district issued iPads. Please keep in mind, students will still be able to download apps through Apple's App Store on their iPad. Although students can still download apps, the hiding feature will not allow them to see or use the app. The iPad will need to be on iOS version 9.3 or greater for the hiding feature to function. Please partner with LISD and play an active role in monitoring the apps installed on your student's device.
Unapproved apps are not allowed and could result in disciplinary action. Please refer to the link below to reference the list of unapproved apps.
- LISD has restrictions in place that prevent downloading any 17+ apps on district iPads. Since all 17+ apps are blocked from downloading on district iPads, these apps are not added to the LISD Unapproved App List shown below.
As a parent, you have ultimate control of your student's device. Please refer to this link from Apple regarding setting parental controls.
For the online form to submit an app to be considered for adding to the High School LISD Unapproved App List:
LISD Staff & Parents, please use this link