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    LISD's Commitment to Digital Citizenship for all Students


  • Why Digital Citizenship Focus?

    Each grade level has Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards or guidelines that reference digital citizenship and digital literacy. Digital citizenship education is also a federal mandate.

    Lewisville ISD has made a commitment to building digital citizenship skills for all students. This is a multifaceted approach including a stand-alone curriculum and lessons integrated into the content area curriculum. Campus teams are encouraged to provide additional opportunities for students to build upon these valuable skills. The infographic below outlines topics for the stand-alone curriculum by grade level.

    Part of our commitment to Digital Citizenship includes campus and district Common Sense Media recognition. LISD has been a Common Sense District since 2020, and is a distinction held by only 9 districts in Texas. You can read more about Common Sense Media recognition here

    CSM District


    LISD Required Lessons

    Digital Citizenship curriculum is required in grades 4 through 12. Topics by grade level are listed below.

    Required Lessons

    When possible, Digital Learning has partnered with Content and Counseling Services to provide cross-alignment with the Technology Applications TEKS.  



    Common Sense Media For Parents

    Media and technology are at the center of kids' lives every day. From a very young age, kids use technology at home and at school to connect with friends and family and to document their lives and create digital content of their own. With more and more of life happening online, what catches kids' attention isn't always what's best for them, and what companies do with their personal information isn't always clear.

    Since 2003, Common Sense has been the leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families and schools. Every day, millions of parents and educators trust Common Sense reviews and advice to help them navigate the digital world with their kids. Together with policymakers, industry leaders, and global media partners, we're building a digital world that works better for all kids, their families, and their communities.

    Parents can find information regarding books, apps, movies and current need-to-know information straight from the Common Sense Media website. https://www.commonsensemedia.org/ 

    Common Sense Logo


    TEA Parent Resources

    In accordance with HB 3171, Section 38.023, the Texas Education Agency has developed and made available to school districts a list of resources concerning Internet Safety. Click on the buttons below to access information provided by TEA. 








    In accordance with the LISD board policy CY local:

    The District shall designate an agent to receive notification of alleged online copyright infringement and shall notify the U.S. Copyright Office of the designated agent’s identity.  The District shall include on its Web site information on how to contact the District’s designated agent and a copy of the District’s copyright policy. (board policy CY local) Upon notification, the District’s designated agent shall take all actions necessary to remedy any violation.  The District shall provide the designated agent appropriate training and resources necessary to protect the District.

    If a content owner reasonably believes that the District’s technology resources have been used to infringe upon a copyright, the owner may notify the designated agent, D'Ann Lacey Bey, beyd@lisd.net .