Special Education Supports & Services
The LISD Assistive Technology (AT) program provides services to students eligible for Special Education Services with handicapping conditions that interfere with access to, and/or participation in, their individualized educational program. The Assistive Technology facilitator and team provide consultative support to campus educational staff for evaluation, training and implementation for classroom and individual students' AT needs.
Categories of Assistive Technology Devices
- Mobility - aids the student in moving independently to access educational activities
Examples -
walkers, scooter boards, adapted tricycles
- Positioning - aids the student in participating in educational activities
Examples -
prone and supine standers, standing frames, sidelyers, corner chairs
- Communication - aids the student in expressing wants, needs emotions and demonstrating knowledge
Examples -
communication boards, stickers, books, pictures, head pointers, computer software/hardware (peripherals), augmentative communication devices
- Environmental controls - aids the student in making educaitonal choices and in controlling the environment
Examples -
switches, battery operated toys
- Personal care - aids the student in functional life leisure skills
Examples -
adapted eating/feeding devices, recreational leisure devices, toileting devices