How much food can my child take as part of a meal?
Lewisville ISD is part of the National School Lunch Program and follows the “Offer Vs Serve” meal pattern. At breakfast, students must take at least 3 of the 4 items offered, one of which must be a fruit or juice. At lunch, students must take at least 3 of the 5 meal components offered, one of which must be a fruit or vegetable.
At any meal, 1 entrée, 1 milk, 2 fruits and 2 veggies are included in the meal price for elementary students. For middle and high school students, 3 fruits and 3 veggies are included. Additional entrees, milk, and/or fruit and veggie sides are charged at an ALC price.
Additional information can be found HERE.
Where do I find prices for ALC snacks?
ALC prices are posted in school cafeterias and can also be found HERE.
Where can I find additional information on Smart Snacks?
We have additional Smart Snack information our webpage HERE.
How can I see what my child is buying in the cafeteria?
We have itemized reports that can be pulled. Please go to lisd.net/skyward and click on "district links" in the top corner. From there, a menu will open with links for each of your students.
I would like to restrict my child from buying snacks. How do I put a restriction on their account?
You can contact Ceci Garces to add an ALC block to your student’s account. There are currently two different snack blocks for student accounts.
1. Put an overall a la carte, snack, and ice cream block on your student's account, meaning they are unable to purchase any items outside of their standard reimbursable meal. Families can send students to school with cash if they would like to allow them to purchase additional items on an as-needed basis.
2.Set a daily dollar limit for any item purchases outside of a standard reimbursable meal. This restriction is for every operating school day, and cannot be limited to only being effective on certain days of the week or for specific items.
For more information, click HERE
I just added money to my child’s account in Rev Trak. Why is the payment not showing?
Payments made through Rev Trak take 24 hours to post to a student account. If you have issues or questions about Rev Trak, contact the CN Office directly. Employee Contacts.
What options are available if my child has dietary restrictions?
- More information on special dietary needs can be found HERE
- Menu modifications will not be made for personal requests, including religious or personal preferences. A note can be added to a student’s account as a reminder to our staff. However, it is the student's responsibility to choose foods that fit their needs and preferences if it is not a medical allergy.
- Contact the district Registered Dietitian to add account notes or put dietary accommodations in place for food allergies. Employee Contacts
How can I filter a menu to show items my student cannot have?
Visit our interactive menus in Nutrislice.
1. Select your school
2. Select breakfast or lunch
3. Click the "filters" button in the top right corner
From here, you can select what dietary restrictions your student may have. Once an item is selected, the menu for that day will automatically show you what menu items are, and are not eligible according to your students' diet. All items that are not eligible, will be crossed out in red.
What beverage substitution is available if my child has a milk allergy or lactose intolerance?
- Juice is frequently available as a beverage option on the menu. Water is available at all meals.
- For milk allergies that have medical documentation, we can offer soymilk as a dairy milk alternative. Please contact the district Registered Dietitian for dietary accommodations Employee Contacts
Do you offer vegetarian meals?
Yes! There is at least one vegetarian entrée option every day. Vegetarian entrees are marked with a green “V” on printed and pdf menus.
How do I know if a menu item contains pork or pork ingredients?
Pork items are identified with a red “P” icon on printed and pdf menus.
You can also filter menus on Nutrislice to show what items have pork in them.
Many of our "sausage" items are turkey sausage, or chicken sausage to accommodate our district's dietary needs.
Where can I find carb counts for menu items?
- Carbohydrates, fiber, and other nutritional information can be found on Nutrislice by clicking on an individual menu item. You can find Nutrislice menus HERE.
- A report of all menu items each day with carb counts and fiber can be found by clicking the Carb Count icon (looks like a calculator) located in the top righthand corner on Nutrislice menus.