• Where do I find my child's lunch menus?

  • How much food can my child take as part of a meal?

  • Where do I find prices for ALC snacks?

  • Where can I find additional information on Smart Snacks?

  • How can I see what my child is buying in the cafeteria?

  • I would like to restrict my child from buying snacks. How do I put a restriction on their account?

  • I just added money to my child’s account in Rev Trak. Why is the payment not showing?

  • What options are available if my child has dietary restrictions?

  • How can I filter a menu to show items my student cannot have?

  • What beverage substitution is available if my child has a milk allergy or lactose intolerance?

  • Do you offer vegetarian meals?

  • How do I know if a menu item contains pork or pork ingredients?

  • Where can I find carb counts for menu items?