Mission Statement: Lewisville ISD is committed to providing a school environment that enhances learning and development of lifelong, healthy habits.
Assurance Statement: Child Nutrition Programs will comply with federal, state, and local requirements. Child Nutrition Programs will be accessible to all children within the district.
Goal 1: Nutrition Education
Students in Lewisville ISD will receive nutrition education messages throughout the school, classroom, cafeteria, community, and media.
Goal 2: Physical Activity
Students will be given the opportunity for daily physical activity.
Goal 3: Nutrition Standards
All foods and beverages made available on campus (including vending, concessions, à la carte, student stores, parties, and fundraising) during the school day are consistent with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act.
Goal 4: Other School-Based Activities
Other school-based activities, including fundraisers, field trips, and health fairs consider the local wellness policy in the planning process.
Download the full Wellness Policy for more information.
Download the full LISD Wellness Plan for more information.
Nutrition Education Events
Lewisville ISD's child nutrition department sees nutrition education as a top priority and employs a full-time registered dietitian who is passionate about educating our younger generations on nutrition and living a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle.
To request to host a nutrition education event, presentation, cooking demo, etc. with our dietitian and/or executive chef, please email our Marketing and Community Outreach Coordinator, Gabe Sigala, at gabrielsigala@LISD.net.