Frequently Asked Questions

  • The page includes a list of the most commonly asked questions and comments. Not all questions will be answered as part of this FAQ.

  • Flower Mound Feeder
  • Hebron Feeder
  • Lewisville Feeder
  • Marcus Feeder
  • The Colony Feeder
  • General FAQ

  • District Demographics

  • What is impacting the enrollment decline in LISD?

  • What has the district done to recruit students from other districts to come to LISD? What are the marketing efforts and strategies?

  • How would a campus retirement affect property values?

  • Our county population is growing exponentially. Why aren’t these new people coming to LISD?

  • Who is the demographer that the district uses to forecast/study enrollment and population trends?

  • How accurately does Zonda Demographics forecast future enrollment?

  • Class Sizes

  • Would retiring schools make class sizes larger at the schools students would be re-zoned to?

  • How do enrollment sizes of elementary schools impact student opportunities?

  • Transfers

  • Families being impacted by potential closures or boundary adjustments will be able to request transfers in the spring, but the fall transfer window has already happened. Is it possible families impacted will not have their choice of which school to attend due to the amount of transfer requests that have already happened?

  • Will I have the opportunity to request a transfer to attend my current school next year if my address ends up being impacted by boundary adjustments?

  • Building Repairs & Maintenance

  • How have central office budget and staffing reductions impacted the facilities and maintenance department for maintaining the current amount of LISD campuses?

  • If my campus is being considered for retirement, why are renovations still being made at my school?

  • Budget & Deficit

  • Could you sell the LISDOLA property to generate revenue for the district?

  • What has the district done to raise additional revenue?

  • What is needed in our fund balance - based on cash flow for the district and how the monthly expenditures require that we have three months cash on hand?

  • Can LISD use money in general fund balance or debt service fund balance to address the deficit or to provide staff pay raises for retaining and recruiting staff?

  • What are the operational costs for each of LISD’s Administration buildings and how many employees do they each house? Would retiring or combining admin buildings be a better way to address the deficit if it is so imminent?

  • Can the district propose another bond to the community that could be used to increase funding for daily operations of the district and help prevent the retirement of any schools?

  • If the district has already achieved the long range plan goal related to the amount of the deficit, then why consider the retirement of schools at this time?

  • How does the enrollment decline impact the district finances?

  • Many other districts in DFW who are also facing school closures (Plano ISD, Richardson ISD, etc.) are facing much larger deficits than LISD. Why is the district rushing into these scenarios if our deficit is not as large as neighboring districts?

  • What budget reductions has the district already taken?

  • CEC Process

  • Can you share why the CEC did not consider academic data or parent approval ratings?

  • Why were the schools who scored lowest on the efficiency assessment not the ones identified for retirement?

  • What is the timeline now that the CEC has presented their findings?

  • My campus had 3/4 out of or 4/4 key indicators - why would it be considered for boundary adjustments or retirement?

  • How did our campus end up on the list?

  • Why was the Community Efficiency Process created? Does the current state of public education funding in Texas impact these decisions?

  • Campus Retirements

  • If my campus is retired, that would require me to cross a busy route to take my child to school. Would I qualify to use bus services even though I am within 2 miles of the newly zoned campus?

  • Was the value of the land and/or building for potential sale a factor in determining which schools would be considered for potential retirement?

  • Will there be additional crossing guards available at crosswalks not currently occupied in the event some campuses are retired?

  • Will school TEA ratings, overall and individual student performance, and parent satisfaction play a part in decision making when the Board considers closure?

  • What happens to the money that the school and PTA are raising if a campus is retired?

  • My school is not on the list for potential retirement or boundary adjustments, but my campus is near one on the list. Is it possible I could be impacted by these potential changes?

  • What happens to staff when buildings are retired?

  • What could happen to buildings that are retired?

  • If the boundaries are adjusted for my campus, or my school is retired, could that potentially impact my high school feeder pattern?

  • How do I know what school my child will attend if my campus is retired or the boundaries change?

  • Neighboring school districts (Plano, Richardson, Irving, and Coppell) have all identified schools for retirement. Has LISD already retired any schools before now?

  • Legislative Impacts

  • It is possible the legislature will increase school district funding this spring. Why is the district not waiting to make these decisions until after lawmakers meet for the 88th Legislative Session this spring?

  • What has the district done to advocate for changes to the state funding formula?

  • What if vouchers pass when the Legislature meets this coming year, will that impact LISD?

  • Extended School Day (ESD)

  • Will I be able to sign my child up for Extended School Day services at my new zoned campus if my current school closes?

  • Special Education

  • How will the potential changes affect our children who are currently getting counseling and therapy for speech?

  • If my child receives specialized special education services (FLS, ALS, COMMS, etc.) and is being rezoned, how will the district ensure they will receive the same level of services at my newly zoned campus?

  • Feeder Specific FAQ

  • Flower Mound High School Feeder

  • We know of multiple students that reside outside of district boundaries that attend my school on transfer requests. Why not start there instead of zone changes?

  • How will you support student emotional well-being if you decide to retire Garden Ridge ES?

  • Typical savings in school retirements are related to labor costs, if there are no staff losing jobs when a school is retired then what are the savings related to?

  • Could the higher than district average operational costs to operate Garden Ridge ES be due to the Special Education population that is served by this campus?

  • Why would the district not propose a solution to redraw boundaries between multiple elementary schools in the FMHS feeder to provide more students to attend Garden Ridge ES?

  • Can you allow all current Bluebonnet students and future siblings the ability to stay at Bluebonnet. This allows those students to finish where they started and their siblings to be able to follow.

  • Why are some schools rated on the efficiency assessment on 0/4 not recommended for retirement?

  • Will larger student enrollment limit student opportunities for participating in clubs and activities?

  • If FLS is moved to Forest Vista, will the rooms at Forest Vista have access to the items that are currently available in the classroom at Garden Ridge?

  • If Garden Ridge is retired, how much capacity is left in elementary schools in the FMHS feeder?

  • Could students who live in areas being rezoned in grades K-3 be grandfathered to stay at Bluebonnet elementary in addition to current 4th graders?

  • Hebron High School Feeder

  • If Hebron Valley is a STEM Academy and has a later dismissal time will that cause traffic problems with Creek Valley dismissal time?

  • What has the district done to raise additional revenue?

  • When is 20 year life cycle maintenance and repair work from the 2023 Bond program scheduled to be for Hebron Valley ES?

  • How many students were on a waitlist for the Polser STEM Academy?

  • If it takes four years to complete the Texas standards to be established as a STEM school, will there be a four year gap until the new STEM school is established in my feeder?

  • What will happen with the new playground equipment installed at Polser for this school year?

  • Why was Polser STEM Academy proposed to be retired when it had a 4/4 Efficiency Assessment Score?

  • Will the current staff and campus administrators of the proposed retirement campus be moved to the new STEM academy campus in my feeder?

  • Will the STEM Academy be continued if Polser is retired?

  • Lewisville High School Feeder

  • My student is in the Dual Language program as an English learner at Lakeland, but could be relocated to Degan as part of the LHS feeder proposal. Will my child still receive Dual Language services?

  • Will students in the Dual Language program at Creekside continue to receive these services?

  • Why are the 5 schools scoring the lowest on the efficiency assessment not the ones identified for potential retirement?

  • When schools have larger enrollments, does this present a safety concern for the campus and the campus administration?

  • Will larger student enrollment limit student opportunities for participating in clubs and activities?

  • Why are some schools rated on the efficiency assessment on 0/4 not recommended for retirement?

  • How will you support student emotional well-being if you decide to retire Creekside ES?

  • Marcus High School Feeder

  • Why are you keeping two schools within 1.2 miles of each other, instead of keeping a west and east area elementary school open in Highland Village?

  • Many students transfer to Highland Village ES because of the BIC program and it being the most sought after in LISD. How will this retirement impact students?

  • When schools have larger enrollments, does this present a safety concern for the campus and the campus administration?

  • Why are the 5 schools scoring the lowest on the efficiency assessment not the ones identified for potential retirement?

  • There are other elementary schools operating more above the district average elementary operational cost, why are those schools not being retired ahead of Highland Village?

  • Why is McAuliffe becoming a STEM school?

  • Highland Village ES is in a neighborhood with the most affordable homes in Highland Village, why is this not a consideration in the identification of which elementary school in the Marcus Feeder Pattern to propose for retirement?

  • If other elementary campuses are in need of more repairs, compared to the one being retired, how does it make sense to keep those campuses open?

  • When the proposal references utilizing open classrooms, what does that mean and what could the impact be with how open classrooms have been utilized?

  • Does this proposal have an impact on the PreK and Discovery Academy Programs at Heritage ES?

  • With the enrollment decline happening in each of the five feeder patterns, how would this impact the projected number of students for Heritage and McAuliffe if HVE is retired?

  • Why are the Self- Contained Special Education programs all being relocated to Heritage in the proposal?

  • Why did the district lower the tax rate in March and prevent apartments from coming in?

  • Why would the district not propose a solution to address efficiencies by redrawing boundaries for Heritage, McAuliffe, and Highland Village?

  • Why would HVE be identified for retirement if there are other elementary schools in the Marcus Feeder pattern whose enrollment is showing to be declining?

  • The Colony High School Feeder Pattern

  • What forecast does the district have regarding potential growth from the Waters Edge Housing development and the JPI morningstar development?

  • How much space will still be available in The Colony feeder pattern if BB Owen is retired?

  • I know out-of-district families have the option to transfer to Memorial. Regardless of the potential boundary changes, will I be able to request a transfer to Memorial no matter where I live within LISD boundaries?

  • My child attends Memorial Elementary on a transfer, and will now be rezoned to Lakeview for their middle school feeder. I want my child to continue on the STEM path to Griffin. Will I have this option?

  • For specialized SPED programs, like Comms at B.B. Owen, will this program and any other impacted school's specialized programs be offered at another LISD elementary school?

  • Will the Meridian neighborhood that could be rezoned from Memorial to Camey receive bus services?

  • What social support will be available to our special education population during the transition to a new campus, as these are our students with the highest needs and difficulty with transition?