• What process was used to develop Standards Based Report Cards in LISD?    

    • A teacher committee representing each of the zones (Central, East, and West) within the district developed the current report card. The committee included classroom teachers (bi-lingual, ESL, non-ESL, Gifted and Talented, and Special Education), and Instructional Coaches.
    • The teacher committee gathered information, studied research, surveyed parents and colleagues and examined best practices regarding grading and reporting practices.
    • Feedback received from campus colleagues, administrators, and parents shaped the final version of the report card.
    • A focus group of parents provided feedback and questions, which were utilized to compose the parent handbook and informational website.

    How often will I receive a report card/progress reports?

    • Kinder and First grade will receive a report card every 9 weeks.
    • Progress report information will be provided every 3 weeks.
    • Student work and performance, as indicated on rubrics, will accompany report cards and progress reports.
    • One report card, with accompanying student work and rubrics, will be made available for parents/guardians to keep and use the information to support the continued progress for their child. Acknowledgment of receipt from a parent will be required.

    What information is available in Skyward?

    • Classroom events/ assignments will be entered into Skyward by the classroom teacher.  Parents will be able to view student progress on standards associated with events/ assignments completed throughout the reporting period. This will provide parents with ongoing feedback towards mastery of the individual standards.

    What if I need more information on my child’s performance?

    • You may contact the classroom teacher via phone or email at any time to communicate about your child’s progress.
    • In addition, parent-teacher conferences are a great opportunity for sharing specific information about your child’s progress throughout the year.

    How can I find more information about what the learning expectations are for each grading period?

    • Information regarding learning expectations can be found on the LISD website found here.
    • Teachers provide information in a variety of ways for parents to access regarding learning goals each grading period, including but not limited to, curriculum overviews, newsletters, websites, etc.

    Why are we reporting on process skills vs. content standards? 

    • The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) include both subject content (Knowledge) and specific processes (Skills) related to a branch of learning. The standard based report card reporting of process skills are embedded within appropriate subject content.
    • Mastery of process skills will enable students to access, comprehend, and apply subject content in multiple contexts.

    What are future ready skills?

    • Communication - Sharing thoughts, questions, ideas, and solutions
    • Collaboration - Working together to reach a goal putting talent, expertise, and smarts to work
    • Critical Thinking - Looking at problems in a new way, linking learning across subjects & disciplines
    • Creativity - Trying new approaches to get things done equals innovation & invention

    *Fluency in these skills will prepare students for an increasingly complex world and a global workforce.