Campus Support Services (CSS) acts as a referral service for the LISD Tutoring Service.**
Information is collected from certified teachers who want to tutor students outside school hours. A list of tutors is available on our website, and phone numbers and email addresses are provided.
Parents contact the desired tutor directly. Rates and tutoring location (your house/tutor's house) are up to you and the tutor. The Tutoring List is updated on an ongoing basis.
For a list of tutors, click this link: Tutor List updated November 4
NOTE to Tutors: It is against local policy for a teacher to be paid to tutor any student in their class (except in summer). In addition, it is against local policy to use school district facilities for tutoring if you receive payment.
Teachers who are interested in becoming a Lewisville ISD Tutor, please fill out this application:
Tutor Application **Current Lewisville ISD Employees only.
Questions? Contact our office at 469-713-5997.