• Thank You LISD Voters!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. How is a school district funded?

    2. Are there restrictions on how M&O and I&S funds can be used?

    3. How is the tax rate set?

    4. What is a bond election?

    5. Why would a school district borrow money to build?

    6. How many students does LISD serve?

    7. Why do we need to invest money in our school buildings?

    8. Doesn’t commercial growth offset the need for additional taxes to fund construction?

    9. What did LISD voters approve in the 2008 bond election?

    10. What if the 2008 LISD bond election had failed?

    11. What projects were funded and completed with 2008 bond dollars?

    12. Why did the district decide to rebuild Lewisville High School?

    13. Why has LISD invested funds in technology infrastructure?

    14. Have the facilities improvements addressed energy efficiency?

    15. Why did LISD request funds for a new stadium?

    16. Which of the projects in the bond plan were tabled for future consideration?

    17. Why were some of the projects so far under the original budget?

    18. How did LISD determine what to include in the 2008 bond election?

    19. What was the tax impact of the 2008 bond election?

    20. How did the bond election affect taxes for senior citizens age 65 or over?

    21. How long does the district have to repay the bonds?

    22. Have my school taxes increased, decreased or remained steady?

    23. Did the economic downturn affect the bond plan?

    24. Why do we acquire land and not build a school on it immediately?

    25. Could we have used some bond money to hire more teachers?

    26. What’s wrong with a 50 year old school building?

    27. When was the last bond election?