• The Texas Assessment Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2) is another assessment instrument used to determine college readiness for students that have not met a qualifying benchmark score with the SAT or ACT.  The results of TSIA2, in conjunction with academic background, goals, and interests, are used by academic advisors and counselors to place students in the appropriate courses

    The tests in TSIA2 either certify students as “college ready” (or TSI-met/complete) in a subject area or provide a diagnostic profile regarding  academic strengths and weaknesses so that targeted instruction may be provided.  Multiple-choice tests in TSIA2 are computer adaptive, which means that questions increase or decrease in difficulty depending on how you respond. The assessments are untimed, which means there’s no time limit on how long students can take to complete testing.

    Students scoring at or above the benchmarks are considered “college ready” and eligible to enroll in any entry-level college course (for example, English composition, history, government, or college algebra) without remediation. 

    Eligible students may take one SAT, ACT, or TSIA in the spring of their junior year or during their senior year for free (at state cost).  See your campus counselor for additional details about registration for this exam.

    Students may demonstrate their readiness for college on the TSIA2 if they meet or exceed the following performance benchmarks in English and Math:

    • English (English language arts, writing and reading): Score of 945 on the multiple-choice section with an essay score of 5-8, or less than 945 on the multiple-choice section, a diagnostic level of 5 or 6, and an essay score of 5-8
    • Math: Score of 950 or less than 950 and a diagnostic level 6


    Find free practice resources for the TSIA2 HERE.

    Students can use Interpreting Your Scores (PDF) for additional information.