External PE


    The purpose of LISD's External Physical Education program is to accommodate secondary students who are making a serious effort to develop higher-level skills, allowing them to be involved in a physical education program that provides training exceeding that which is offered in our school district.  Students may apply to receive PE credit at an approved off-campus private or commercially sponsored physical activity program.

    The physical activities available to students are Olympic-type activities approved by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and are not offered in LISD physical education classes or athletics.  Students involved in Archery, Badminton, Clay Targets, Dance, Equestrian, Fencing, Gymnastics, Ice Hockey/Dance, Lacrosse, Martial Arts, Rock Climbing, Rowing, Synchronized Swimming, Baseball (middle school only), Golf (middle school only), Softball (middle school only), Swimming (middle school only), and Wresting (middle school only) may apply for PE credit.

    • LEVEL I requires a minimum of 15 hours of participation a week in an approved off-campus activity; the student is dismissed one period during the school day by arriving late or leaving early to attend the activity. 
    • LEVEL II is a minimum of 5 hours per week of participation; the student may not be dismissed from any part of the school day.

    More information regarding the External PE program can be found in External PE FAQ's.

    Starting June 1, 2022

    External PE registration process is changing.

    Facility verification forms will be included in the registration process, you will no longer email or hand deliver facility verification forms with a coach’s signature. Once you register, we will contact your coach directly for verification.

    We will no longer be accepting checks. All payments will be made through RevTrak.

    Student Information

    • YOU MUST SUBMIT an online student application and pay a fee in order to be admitted into the External PE program 
    • Complete the online application (link below) to begin the admission process.
    • Online applications will be reviewed within 24 hours during the school week.  
    • After submitting the student online application, your instructor will receive a digital copy of the schedule you submit for approval. You do not need to scan or copy any instructor forms.
    • Completed student applications and fees are due prior to the start of the semester for which you are applying. No application will be accepted after the end of the third day (4:30 p.m.) of the new grading period.
    • Please note, fees are non-refundable.
    • All fees will be paid online here.
    • Below you will find a list of Approved Facilities for 2024-25. 

    Facility Information

    • For a private or commercially sponsored physical education program to be approved, the facility must meet guidelines set by LISD.
    • All instructors must provide 9-week grades, maintain attendance records for participating students, and complete a background check every year.
    • Facility Applications for the 2024-25 school year must be submitted for approval to the LISD External PE program by May 20, 2024.  (We are no longer accepting facility applications for the 2024-25 school year)
    • Please contact Debra McDonald at mcdonalddd@lisd.net for more information.
