Retention Schedules

  • A retention schedule is a listing of records and records series commonly found in the workplace that lists the minimum length of time these items must be retained in order to comply with state or federal laws, statutes, or judicial rulings, or recognized industry best practices.

    The Retention Schedule for Lewisville Independent School District was adopted from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) on February 24, 2006. Changes or additions to the basic schedule can be recommended by the departments and individuals who use the records on a daily basis. These recommendations may be submitted to the PEIMS/Records Management Officer.

    Retention schedules are an important aspect of records management. Many organizations are subject to rules and regulations that govern for how long they are required to keep records before they can safely dispose of them. Holding onto records for longer than required can expose the organization to unnecessary liability.

    These record retention guidelines are specified in the retention schedules adopted by the State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC). The schedules that pertain to school districts include:

    Click the schedule that applies to the general record series you are searching for then choose from the table of contents. Choose the particular record title, example Student Academic Records. Review each record description to complete your search.

    Employees, if you require a breakdown of these schedules by Department or Campus, please visit the Records Management Employee site.

    Texas State Library and Archives Commission website