What is an ARD?

  • ARD is an acronym for Admission, Review and Dismissal. An ARD meeting is a meeting of a group of people who help to determine whether or not a student is eligible for special education. That group of people will be the ones who develop the Individual Education Program (IEP) if the student is eligible.

    Who attends the ARD meetings?

    The ARD committee is usually made up of a special education teacher, a general education teacher, the assistant principal or principal of the campus, the diagnostician (a person qualified to interpret evaluations and the instructional implementations), a staff member representing any related services the child might require and of course, the parents and the student when appropriate.

    Where is the ARD meeting held?

    An ARD meeting is typically held at the school that the child is attending. It usually lasts about an hour.

    When is the ARD meeting held?

    An ARD is held for initial placement or any time the school staff or parents feel a change is needed in a student’s special education program. The IEP must be reviewed at least once a year, but an ARD meeting may be held at other times. For example, an ARD will need to be held to review the additional assessment. Many concerns can be addressed through parent-teacher conferences and do not require a formal ARD committee meeting.

    What happens if you disagree with the ARD committee?

    If, as a parent or guardian, you do not agree with the decision of the ARD committee, a 10-day recess is given before any further plans will be discussed and parents are provided with procedural safeguards. At this time a Special Education Director might be helpful in assisting parents to navigate through the ARD process.