
  • Special Education Family Center

    The Special Education Family Center provides programs on Tuesday evenings during the school year that are designed to provide additional support to Special Education eligible students and their families. Programs are provided free of charge to eligible families (i.e., LISD families with one or more child receiving Special Education services). The programs are held in person at the LISD Special Education Center, 400-A High School Dr, Door #21A, Lewisville TX 75057 (faces Fox Ave & 35E, and adjoins Central ES). 

    2024-2025.  The Special Education Family Center offers two programs: 1) Family Counseling (in English and in Spanish), and 2) Parenting Resource Groups (in English and in Spanish) and Youth Social Skills Groups. Family Counseling offers all members of the family an opportunity to share honest perspectives and discuss solutions in a caring manner. Parenting Resource Groups offer a variety of research-based yet practical information to provide support to parents/guardians. Youth Social Skills Groups are held at the same time parents/guardians meet, with topics covered complementing parenting topics (see flyers below for topics). Families may self-refer or be referred by any LISD ARD/IEP Committee member (e.g., Special Education Counselor, Diagnostician, School Psychologist, Administrator, etc.). Pre-registration is required (see referral form below). Childcare is provided by LISD staff free of charge, as space permits. 

    For additional information, please contact

    Flyer in English with additional information: Family Center Spring Flyer 2024-2025 - English

    Flyer in Spanish with additional information: Family Center Spring Flyer 2024-2025 - Spanish

    English Referral Form: HERE

    Spanish Referral Form: HERE 

    FOCUS Night: Families Of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder United and Supported

    Held in person six times a year on Thursdays from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the LISD Special Education Center, 400-A High School Dr, Door #20, Lewisville TX 75057 (faces Fox Ave & 35E, and adjoins Central ES). 

    The Lewisville ISD Special Education Department presents a series of evening events dedicated to assisting families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). FOCUS is open to families with children who receive support for Autism and who reside within Lewisville ISD.  Each evening will consist of three programs presented simultaneously and designed to educate and support families of children with ASD.  Although children are not allowed to attend the adult presentations, childcare will be provided by LISD staff and volunteers for children who are 5 years old and younger.  All programs and childcare are free of charge.

    Autism Presentation Series: This program is for parents/guardians of children with ASD presented by professionals within our community or school district. The presentations are intended to increase understanding of various issues related to ASD, to provide information regarding various interventions, and to empower parents to be the best parent for their child. Parents must attend the presentation if their children are participating in the programs.

    Game Night/Social Skills Group: For students with ASD, this program provides a fun and structured game and social time to practice social and friendship skills. The children are divided into groups determined by their level of support needed. The groups will utilize different methods of instruction, including a structured teaching approach and teachable moments. Activities and lessons are developed and implemented by Psychology Interns under the supervision of Licensed Psychologists.

    Sibling Group (Grades K-5th): This program provides a fun and supportive environment for siblings of children with ASD. The activities and discussions focus on the unique challenges and issues that siblings may encounter. Many times, these will include both positive and negative feelings. Activities are developed and implemented by Psychology Interns under the supervision of Licensed Psychologists.

    *Registration is required every month. Registrations will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. the Tuesday prior to each Thursday program for those bringing children to ensure we have necessary staff available.  Please register online at the link below.  After the registration closes, parents and guardians  are still welcome to attend the parent presentation but may not bring their children due to space/planning limitations.

    For additional information, please contact Jennifer DePetro (469) 948-8553 or Katie Pierce (469) 948-8558

    Flyer with dates and topics:

    Online Registration:

    LISD Special Education Parent Training Department provides training and resources for all families of LISD students enrolled in Special Education programs. We have the following resources available to you:

    1. 1)  The Spot – a lending resource for parents. This room is located in the Central Special Education Admin Building, Room 110, and contains books, family games, and learning kits for families to borrow. LISD Parent Trainers will be available to answer questions and assist in selecting materials appropriate to each family’s individual needs. See the flyer for more information.

      The Spot flyer (English) haring
      The Spot flyer (Spanish) sharing

    2. 2)  Group Training classes – each year we present a series of classes on topics most needed by parents. The classes are held both in-person and on Webex. Topics include behavior, potty training, visual supports, and communication. See the flyer for more information.

      Group Class flyer (English) =sharing
      Group Class flyer (Spanish) aring

    3. 3)  Monthly Intro to Autism class. Each month, this presentation is designed for parents and caregivers of newly diagnosed children, but all are welcome to attend. Presentations are held via Webex. See the flyer for more information.
      Intro to Autism flyer (English) sp=sharing

    4. 4)  LISD Special Education Parent Training website. An online resource for links to free online classes, copies of our Group Training class presentations, information about our classes and how to register.


    Helpful Links


    Child Find:

    State Testing: