Publication of Student Information


    Release of Directory Information for School-Sponsored Purposes

    Lewisville ISD has designated the following as directory information for school-sponsored purposes: student name, address, photo, honors and awards, dates of attendance, grade level, most recent school previously attended, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and weight and height of members of athletic teams.

    YES, I do want my student's directory information released for limited school-sponsored purposes, including but not limited to student recognition activities, yearbook or student newspaper, printed programs for extracurricular activities, news releases to media, district/campus and education-related websites, video, audio and publications.

    NO, I do not want my student's directory information released to ANY third party, even for limited school-sponsored purposes such as student recognition activities, yearbook or student newspaper, printed programs for extracurricular activities, news releases to media, district/campus and education-related websites, video, audio and publications. I understand that this means my student's information will not be included in publicity about his/her achievements and will not be included in the yearbook and other such publications.


    Release of Directory Information for All Other (Non-School- Sponsored) Purposes

    Includes third-party vendors or any organization or person not affiliated with Lewisville ISD. The district has designated the following as directory information for all other purposes: student name, honors and awards, and participation in officially recognized activities and sports.

    YES, I allow my student's directory information to be released for all other (non-school-sponsored) purposes.

    NO, I do not want my student's directory information released for all other (non-school-sponsored) purposes.


    Secondary Students Only (Grades 7-12)

    Federal law requires districts receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. Section 6301 et seq.) to provide a military recruiter or an institution of higher education, on request, with the name, address, and telephone number of a secondary student unless the parent has advised the district that the parent does not want the student's information disclosed without the parent's prior written consent.

    YES, the district may release my child's name, address, and telephone number to military recruiters or an institution of higher education.

    NO, do not release my child's name, address, and telephone number to military recruiters or an institution of higher education.