• Lewisville High School Counseling Office

    School Code: 444-135

    Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.



Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"
  • Welcome to the LHS Counselor Website!

    This site is updated weekly and is full of helpful information. Check out the tabs to the left for tons of the latest information to help you in your college and career search. Reference the table below to determine your counselor, then contact your counselor and let them get to know you. They are a valuable asset in helping to answer college admission questions and/or assisting you with any of your post-graduate options. If you need information that is not available here, let your counselor know and we will be happy to help you.



    Registration Week (February 3rd-7th)

    Students will receive registration information today during 2nd period. Teachers will walk students through the materials and registration presentation with activities for each of the five days this week. Counselors have met individually with students helping them with their graduation plan but will be available for any further questions or help. Please see our registration tab for all information regarding registration for the 25-26 school year along with our online informational newsletter.  https://www.lisd.net/Page/9145

    2026 LHS-Main Registration Newsletter


    Upcoming LHS College Workshops/Fairs

    LISD HBCU College Fair

    LHS Counselor Newsletters

    LHS Counselor Winter Newsletter





    Accessing and sending your SAT scores





    Accessing and sending your ACT scores




    TSI score reports & sending scores to colleges/universities

    Click here for PDF instructions


    TSI score access



    LHS Scholarship Information Newsletter:


    ***These are scholarships that are given by community organizations, businesses, and non-profit organizations. Check your prospective university websites for specific scholarships they may have to offer. ***

    College INFORMATION NEWSLETTER/College Lunch Visits

    College Information Newsletter
    Students at LHS have the opportunity to visit with college and career/vocational school representatives during lunch visits, college fairs, and information sessions held throughout the metroplex. Take time to visit these colleges; you may discover that you are better suited for a certain type of school setting after visiting with the college reps. Explore all types - small, large, public, private. Then, make a decision based on a well-informed exploration of all types of colleges and universities.
    Lunch Visits: College representatives are available in the cafeteria or the College and Career Center (F207) during student lunches.
    Please click on our College information Smore to see who is coming to LHS this month: https://www.smore.com/6csrh0  


    Attention Juniors and Seniors: LHS Scholarship Help Hub is here!

    LHS Scholarship Help Hub

    Get individualized help with searching for scholarships through this unique scholarship assistance program with the Scholarship Informer Gabrielle McCormick. Sign up today!

    Loom Registration Walkthrough Link (video that explains how to set up a student account)

    New account setup login: https://lhs.scholarshiphelpnow.com/login 


    LHS College and Career Center

    For more information and resources about your college search, visit the college page of this website.  


    scholarship spotlight

    Check out our LHS Scholarship Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/th46z-scholarship-information 

    Trying to find ways to pay for college? Click on the scholarships page of this website and check out all the scholarships still available. New ones are still coming in and will also be emailed to parents and students as we get them.  

    ***These are scholarships that are given by community organizations, businesses, and non-profit organizations. Check your prospective university websites for specific scholarships they may have to offer. ***

    Financial Aid 

    1. New resource for free College/Financial Aid Search: COLLEGE RAPTOR

    2. For more information about Financial Aid, visit the financial aid page of this website.

    3. TAFSA (Texas Application for Student Aid)---Texas has a financial aid application for students who are not United States citizens but who are Texas residents. To fill out this application, you must meet one of the following criteria: 1. You resided in Texas for 36 months/3 years before receiving a high school diploma or GED and lived with a parent/legal guardian; not a resident of another state or 2. You hold a visa that allows you to live in the United States and you or a parent must be employed in Texas for at least 12 months before enrolling in college.   

    Visit your local college website if you meet this criteria or click HERE  for more information on TAFSA.  

    College, Career, and Military Research

    Texas OnCourse Website

    • Explore college and career options that best fit their interests and goals
    • Develop 4-6 year course planning to achieve their goals
    • Navigate the college selection and application process
    • Find ways to pay for college

    Texas Career Check

    • Explore career options 
    • Look up salaries, job availability, job trends, etc.
    • Careers in the military 

    The College Tour

    My Next Move - US Dept of Labor

    • Explore college and career options that best fit their interests and goals

    Your Bright Future---Texas Workforce Commission

    Texas Reality Check



    Kaplan SAT/ACT Prep: See attached file below for information regarding prep classes for SAT/ACT. *Fees apply. Kaplan is not associated with LISD

    For more information and resources about testing, visit the testing page of this website.