Communities In Schools of North Texas
Lewisville High School
What is Communities In Schools of North Texas?
Communities In Schools of North Texas (CISNT) is a non-profit dropout prevention program in the North Texas area. Our mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. This mission is accomplished through on-campus programs that provide intentional services to at-risk students.
CISNT at Lewisville HS provides:
- Academic Support (grade monitoring, homework assistance, academic readiness)
- Supportive Guidance (self-esteem/social skills groups, mentoring, one-on-one meetings with the CIS Site Coordinator)
- College Readiness (college awareness workshops, college tours, Senior college preparation)
- Career Exploration (career presentations, company tours)
- Mentoring (one-on-one or two-on-one meetings with a trusted adult)
- Homeless Student Support
Who can be in CIS?
Any student who wants the help, is eligible (based on TEA criteria), and whose parents consent to CIS services! CIS is open to any and all students and we let each student choose whether or not they participate.
How do I join?
Just come by the CIS room at LHS and talk to Ms.Jones. Even if you are not eligible for services, there are still ways CIS can support you!
How do I refer a student to the CIS program?
Please submit the referral form or email Ms. Jones
Who should I refer to the CIS program?
- Students who need extra academic or emotional support
- Students who are struggling with the college application process
- Students in need of community resources (or snacks, hygiene items, clothing assistance, school supplies, etc).
For more information about Communities In Schools of North Texas, visit us at the CISNT website