I am very excited to be a part of the team at Lewisville High School! I look forward to serving the students, families, staff, and this amazing community. I see myself as a servant leader and will do whatever it takes to help.
This year I will serve students with last names “Mu-R”. I will be working with the ELA department and I am in charge of textbooks. My office is located on the 3rd floor.
I began my career in education in 2000 as a teacher and coach in Lufkin, Texas. I spent 5 years there and was fortunate enough to be a art of a state championship winning football team. In 2005, we moved to LISD and I was a coach for 2 years at Huffines Middle School. From there I moved up to Lewisville HS Killough and continued to teach and coach. In my last 3 years at Killough I had the opportunity to be the running backs coach for the Fighting Farmer Football Team! After my coaching career, was hired as an Assistant Principal at DeLay Middle School for 8 years. Now I am beginning a new chapter as an Assistant Principal here at LHS.
I am looking forward to an amazing year and I am here to help you, your family, and our community in any way I can! FARMER PRIDE!
Sonny Dack
LHS Assistant Principal
Last names Mu - Rdackg@lisd.net