Phone: 469-948-3303


Degrees and Certifications:


  • What is DECA?

    DECA is an organization that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management in high schools and colleges around the world. Students can pick an area of interest, practice their skills, and compete in multi-level competitions.


    Check out more about DECA at LHS by the presentation linked HERE


    DECA Dues

    Membership dues are $16 per person.

     Can be paid online here:

    Competition fees

    District competition is $40 per person +10 if you want a shirt.  Deadline 11/20/21.

    State competition is TBD per person. Deadline TBD

    International competition is TBD per person. Deadline TBD.


    Please note: LISD allocates funds to support DECA. However, the funds do not cover all of the competition expenses. Therefore, students should be prepared to fundraise or pay for the remaining balance.

    Additional information about DECA and scholarship information can be found at the DECA website.

    Competition dates:


    Location: Irving Convention Center

    Testing Date: TBD

    Competition Date: January 19, 2022


    Location: Houston, Texas

    Testing Date: TBD

    Competition Date: February 24-26, 2022


    Location: Atlanta, GA

    Testing Date: At the competition

    Competition Date: April 23-26 2022


    DECA Meeting Times


    Currently, meetings are held in A302 on Tuesday B-Block

    E-mail to join the meeting. or


    Contact Mrs. Cooper, Room A302 or Ms. Naragon, Room E238 (or e-mail)


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