Phone: 469-7133246


Degrees and Certifications:

University of Dallas - Masters in Business Administration BS in Education - Central Michigan University Certifications: Life Science 8-12 Composite Science 8-12 Math 4-8Science 4-8 English as a Second Language 8-12

Mrs. Nancy Adams


Earth and Space Science

Aquatic Science


Tutorinal Times:

 Tuesday:       7:30am to 8:00am

 Wednesday:  7:30am to 8:00am

 Wednesday:     3:35pm to 4:05pm

Other times available by appointment ONLY


About Me:  

I have been a science teacher for Lewisville High School since 2012 and I love being a Fighting Farmer!  My husband Jim and I have two daughters, Martha and Kathieen.  Martha is also an LISD school teacher and Kathleen is a forester in Nocadoches. When not teaching, you will often find me in the stands watching our Fighting Farmer men and women competing in athletic events. Go Farmers!


All lessons can be found on Canvas.


Additional Responsibilities: 

AVID Site Team