Phone: 469.948.3257
Degrees and Certifications:
BS Communication Sciences and Disorders - Texas Woman's University MS Deaf Education - Texas Woman's University ASL Educator Certification
Mrs. Kay Gustafson
Subject: American Sign Language
Conference Period: 4th period
Tutorial Times: Tuesday and Thursday morning 7:30-8, Tuesday afternoon 3:35-4:00.
About Me: I am originally from south Texas, a very small town called Port Lavaca. I taught Deaf Education at Vanston Middle School in Mesquite for 17 years. I then transitioned to teaching ASL here at LHS. this is year 28 for me. I am married and have 3 amazing children, Kristen is 25, lives in Ohio working on her PhD in Sociology at Bowling Green State University, Noah is 21, a junior at Sam Houston State in Huntsville and Levi is 19, certified firefighter/EMT/paramedic working for Prosper FD.
Additional Responsibilites: ASL club.ASL Honor Society at LHS Main