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    TRS-ActiveCare Enrollment Guide 2019-2020

    AETNA -  Caremark

    Scott & White Healthplan HMO


    SPLIT PREMIUM - If two spouses work for different participating TRS-ActiveCare districts and wish to pool their district contributions toward the cost of TRS-ActiveCare coverage, the Benefits Administrators of each district must complete and submit the on-line Application to Split Premium. For spouses who choose this option, the cost of coverage will be split between and billed to the two employers. Note - in some cases it may be beneficial for spouses to each elect coverage in their District versus splitting. A new form must be submitted each year. Call the Benefits Office at 469-948-8104 if you are interested in the split premium option.

    TERMINATION OF SPLIT PREMIUM - Upon Termination of Split arrangement an Application to Terminate Split Premium must be completed and submitted on-line by the employee's district.  Please notify your Benefits Administrator so they can complete the form on your behalf.