Hardship Leave Policy
Effective June 10, 2019, Board policy DEC(LOCAL) changed Hardship Leave as indicated below.
Full-time employees who have exhausted all available leave may request hardship leave. The approved hardship leave shall not exceed 10 equivalent workdays.
The employee may qualify for hardship leave under the following conditions:
- The employee has an illness or disability requiring treatment by a certified health care provider (including pregnancy related disability) that results in the employee's incapacity to perform his or her duty function. Hardship leave is not to be used for individual employee or immediate family members doctor’s appointments unless the appointment is for treatment of an ongoing serious health condition.
- To care for the employee’s spouse, child or parent if the spouse, child or parent has a serious health condition. The maximum number of hardship days available to care for a spouse, child or parent is ten (10) equivalent workdays per school year. Any hardship days granted to an employee for the care of a spouse, child or parent will be deducted from the maximum available per school year.
- For bereavement leave due to the death of a child, spouse, or parent. The maximum number of hardship days available for bereavement due to the death of a child, spouse or parent is five (5) equivalent workdays per school year. Any hardship days granted to an employee for bereavement leave due to the death of a spouse, child or parent will be deducted from the maximum available per school year.
The employee shall be required to provide documentation of the health condition. The documentation shall accompany the request for hardship leave to the Benefits Department and shall identify the beginning leave date and return date. Approval for hardship leave must be granted by the Benefits Department before an employee may access such leave.
When the need for hardship leave is not foreseeable, the employee shall notify the Benefits Department as soon as possible. Under ordinary circumstances, an employee shall provide notice within three working days after learning of the need for hardship leave. Notice may be provided either in person, by telephone, fax, e-mail, or other electronic means. Hardship leave shall be taken with 50% of daily rate of pay deducted for each day used, whether or not a substitute is employed. Hardship leave shall not be used for any monetary gain, personal travel, or recreational purposes.
Hardship Leave must be requested within 60 days from the first eligible absence pertaining to the request.
An employee must work a minimum of 18 days during the school year before hardship days will be awarded and have been employed at least 90 days to access hardship leave.