District Vision, Mission and Beliefs

    • VISION

      All students are confident, equipped with the knowledge and skills to thrive and adapt for their future.


      Engaging and inspiring learners and leaders.


      • Students’ needs are the center of our learning community.
      • Education is the shared responsibility of students, staff, and community.
      • High quality staff are the heart of a culture of learning.
      • A safe and nurturing environment is essential for a sense of well-being.
      • Continuous improvement informs and inspires future growth.
      • Students are more than a test score.

    ARBOR CREEK - Belief, Mission, & Vision for the campus 

    Belief Statements: 

    • We are all connected as Eagles and are proud to be part of the Arbor Creek family. 
    • Eagles are committed to empowering students to excel academically and socially for their futures.
    • Relationships are built and maintained through fostering mutual respect to create a safe and inclusive environment. 

    Mission Statement: 

    Striving for all Eagles to explore their dreams with confidence, overcome challenges with resilience, and achieve their unique potential. 

    Vision Statement:

    All Arbor Creek Eagles thrive academically and socially through meaningful, authentic learning experiences to contribute to a brighter collective future.