Phone: Clinic 972-350-2512 Fax 972-350-9164


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Hailey Wall

Welcome to the Arbor Creek Middle School Health Room!

My name is Hailey Wall and I am the School Nurse here at Arbor Creek Middle School. My goal is to keep all Eagles healthy!  Here are a few guidelines that I like everyone to be aware of:

- Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast every morning.  Our brains need "fuel" to run properly. 

- If your child has a temperature 100 degrees or greater, please keep them home until they are fever free for 24 hours without medication.

- If a child becomes ill at school (rash, vomiting, uncontrolled coughing, pink eye, live head lice or diarrhea etc.) I will call you to arrange for pick-up.  Please keep them at home until they are symptom free for 24 hours without medication.  

- Please make sure your phone numbers are current in Skyward.  Emergencies arise when we least expect them.

- Middle School students are allowed to self-carry over the counter medication such as Tylenol or Motrin with completion of "Permission of Parent/Guardian Permission to Carry Meds at Secondary School."  Emergency medications such as inhalers or epipens will require paperwork with a Dr.'s signature and will need to be completed each school year. These forms can be found

- ALL STUDENTS entering 7th grade are required by the State of Texas to get 2 immunizations, a booster Tdap and Meningococcal vaccinations.  We MUST have documentation entered prior to the first school day for the student to receive their schedule from the School Counselors.  They will not receive their schedule and will not be allowed to go to class if this is not on file.  You will be called to pick your child up from school.  Please be proactive and take your child during the Spring Semester of their 6th grade year and send the shot record to the front office attn: attendance clerk, Laurel Treadway, or Nurse Alicia. We are not open during the summer months so it makes it more difficult to enter all at once prior to the beginning of the school year if not already completed. If you do not wish for your child to be immunized, instructions for requesting the official exemption affidavit that must be signed by parents/guardians choosing the exemption for reasons of conscious, including a religious belief, can be found at under "School & Child-Care." The original Exemption Affidavit must be completed, notarized and submitted to the school every two years.

Please feel free to give me a call at anytime with questions or health concerns. My office number is 972-350-2512. My work email is