Phone: 469 713-5979
Degrees and Certifications:
General Education EC-4th. Bilingual Education EC-4th. Spanish 9-12 Endorsement
Mrs. Galusha
Hello Everyone!
My name is Miriam Galusha. I was born and raised in Mexico. I am currently a second grade dual language teacher at Parkway Elementary School. This is my tenth year teaching our future. Over the years I have taught the following grade levels: Kindergarten, first, second and fourth grades all in a bilingual format.
I have been married for 15 years and my husband is a 10year Navy veteran. We have two beautiful kids aged 10 and 2 years old. My daughter who is 10 is a proud Parkway student in the 5th grade. She is fluent in both English and Spanish and she loves learning new words in both languages. Her favorite sport is Volleyball and she loves reading and learning about space and pastry items. Our son is 2 years old and very energetic. He is also learning how to communicate in both English and Spanish. His favorite things to do are to dance and have all types of fun.