Listed are all additional ways to earn high school credit. For more information about any of these opportunities, please contact your counselor.
Credit for Acceleration and/or Remediation
- Night School - Students can earn additional credits at LISD's night school at no cost. Classes begin after 4:00pm, no transportation provided. See counselor for details.
- Virtual Learning Academy (VLA) - LISD offers online courses. VLA also has access to courses through Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) for additional courses not offered in our district. Click on website for course offerings and registration requirements.
- Dual Credit - Students can take college level courses and receive both college credit and high school credit for the completion of the course. The courses are taken through NCTC. Classes are offered at NCTC campus (Parker Square in Flower Mound), online, and some courses taught on Marcus campus. Please contact your counselor for more information.
- Credit Recovery - After-school program that gives students the opportunity to retake courses(es) which they have previously taken but were unsuccessful in earning credit. Students are required to attend every day after school until completion of the course.
- Credit by Exam (CBE) - CBE is offered to students that need credit for a class they previously took by taking an exam. Cost is $40 per exam. Please see counselor for more information.
- Credit by Acceleration (CBA) - CBA is offered to students that want to earn credit for a course with no previous seat time on the course. Test cannot be taken for courses that require EOC (English 1 &2, Algebra 1, Biology, & US History).