Boy's Athletics Coaching Staff
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |
- Keith Mason
- Marlon McDaniel
- Josh McGowan
- Jeremy Tatham
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Lockers and equipment will be given out to all athletes who are playing football on Monday, August 12 from 6-10 AM. Athletes must have a completed physical turned in to receive a locker. Football parent meeting will be held on Thursday, August 8th, after orientation, in the cafeteria.
Football Practice Times for the start of school:
7th grade practice begins at 7:00 AM every day. Locker room will be open at 6:30 AM.
8th grade practice ends at 5:25 Monday through Thursday until games start. Practice ends at 4:10 every Friday.
Once games start, practice will end at 4:10 PM on game days.
**All athletes must have a current physical to participate in any sport.