• LISD Virtual Learning Academy’s Academic Honesty Guidelines:

    General Statements Regarding Academic Honesty:

    Any misconduct in the realm of academic honesty will trigger a student-teacher interaction and will then be deferred to the student’s individual campus for the execution of disciplinary procedures.

    • Any coursework (including, but not limited to, forums, formative/summative assessments, daily work, etc.) may be subject to a plagiarism checker
      Examples of Academic Dishonesty: Cheating, Misrepresentation, and Plagiarism
    • Cheating: includes copying another’s work or allowing another to copy your work, possession of exam or exam materials.
    • Misrepresentation and/or Fraudulent Behavior: includes allowing someone else or an automated process to do the work for you (ex: Wolfram Alpha, Photomath, online language translators, ChatGPT/OpenAI), or doing someone else’s coursework.
    • Plagiarism: includes cutting and pasting from a non-peer source, and attempting to present that source’s work as your own

    Consequences for Academic Dishonesty

    • First Offense: Assignment receives a grade of zero; parents and campus site coordinator are notified; if a major grade assignment, chance to redo for partial credit; the student may be required to complete the assignment in a proctored setting; offense documented in student information system.
    • Second Offense: Assignment receives a grade of zero; parents and campus site coordinator are notified; office referral entered; possible additional disciplinary consequences.
    • Third Offense: Assignment receives a grade of zero; possible removal from the course and/or denial of future online course enrollment requests; parents and campus site coordinator are notified; office referral entered; possible additional disciplinary consequences.


Last Modified on Thursday at 2:13 PM