Algebra 2
VLA Algebra 2 is an online class. Please read through the entire description.
In Algebra 2, students will broaden their knowledge of quadratic functions, exponential functions, and systems of equations. Students will study logarithmic, square root, cubic, cube root, absolute value, rational functions, and their related equations. Students are encouraged to have a TI-83/TI-84 graphing calculator, Desmos or equivalent.
While instruction and content are delivered over the internet, students do have opportunities to meet with their instructor for personalized instruction using video conferencing and periodic face to face by appointment. Flexibility of the course allows for inside and outside the school day scheduling. If taken during the school day, students have the option to schedule the course during their 1st, 3rd, or 4th periods. Students do not have to be physically present on campus to take an online course. While there is flexibility in the time of day you work on your classes, they are NOT self-paced.
This is a 1 credit course that is broken into two (2) half-credit courses labeled A and B. You must complete both A and B sides of the course to receive the full credit.
- Course #: Part A 29332890 | Part B 29332990
Credits:A=0.5 | B=0.5
GPA Level: GPA Level 1
Subject: Math
Preprequisite: Algebra 1
- Recommendation: Geometry
- Course Outline Link A
- Course Outline Link B