Student Council Meeting Times & Major Projects
- Student Council usually meets twice a month virtually, times will be decided once we return to campus September 8th
- In order to become a certified member of HHS Student Council, a student will need to do the following:
- Pay the Student Council dues $20 by October 2nd
- Students will need to earn a total of 65 points by the end of the fall semester and 90 points by the end of the spring semester to be classified as a certified student council member for the current school year. Students earn points by doing the following:
- Attending Meetings
- Participating in Homecoming festivities
- Participating in dress up days and pep rallies (
- Participating in student council-led projects such as:
- “You Go Stuco”
- Red Ribbon Week
- Thanksgiving Food Drive
- Holiday Door Contest
- Candy Grams
- Battle of the Bears
- Kibble Kontest
- Dodgeball Tournament
- Main campus vs. 9th grade campus Volleyball game
- Mr. Hebron
- Powder Puff