
    English as a Second Language (ESL)

    In LISD, all Emergent Bilinguals (English Learners)  receive ESL services in accordance with Texas Administrative Code Chapter 89 regarding ESL program requirements. 

    • ESL students receive ESL services from one or more ESL certified teacher.
    • Teachers support ESL students’ affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs.
    • Teachers provide instruction in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) with linguistic supports outlined the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS).

    Please visit TAC Chapter 89 to learn more about Texas requirements for ESL program services.

    ESL Services Provided in Linguistically Accommodated English Language Arts Courses

    We offer linguistically accommodated English Language Arts courses in middle school and high school with curriculum and supplemental instructional materials specially designed to meet the needs of beginning and intermediate level Emergent Bilinguals.  Please contact your school's ESL Liaison or Counselor for the most up-to-date ESL course offerings available. 

    ESL Services Provided in Conjunction with All Other Special Programs

    All Emergent Bilinguals have opportunities to participate in courses that are designated as General Education, Special Education, Gifted/Talented, Career and Technology Education, Pre-AP, and AP courses with integrated linguistic support.  

    Additional Language Enrichment Opportunities

    In addition to the courses that we offer during the school year, LISD provides a summer enrichment program, SOAR Academy, for ESL students in grades 6-11. This is a structured, project-based, language-intensive program that provides students with the opportunity to continue building language skills throughout the month of June. For more information about this opportunity, please visit our SOAR Academy page. 

    Campus-Based Support for Emergent Bilinguals

    Every middle school and high school in LISD is served by a Secondary ESL Liaison who is responsible for ESL student support. The Huffines Middle School ESL Liaison is Simone Milton

    Your ESL Liaison can assist you with: 

    • information about the instructional support that is available to help your child be successful
    • processes to qualify and receive ESL services, including language proficiency assessments
    • accessing your child's grades, coursework, and other digital information
    • finding the contact information for your child's teachers and other campus staff



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