Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who should I contact for questions not listed here?

    Highland Village Elementary office at 469-713-5957.

    Leslye Mitchell, Principal

    Vanessa Diglia, Assistant Principal

    Josie Kilgore, Counselor

    Terri Navarro, Secretary

    Kari Pearson, Attendance

    Carol Stewart, RN, Nurse


    Where can I find the school calendar for dates of events, holidays and grading periods?

    Highland Village Elementary calendar of events can be found on our website hereDistrict dates can be found on the main website here.


    What are the school hours:

    LISD elementary school hours are 7:45 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Early release for elementary school is 11:45. 


    How early can I drop my child off at school?

    The school doors open at 7:15. Please do not drop off unmonitored children prior to 7:15.


    Where do I drop my child off at school in the morning?

    You can drop your child off in the front drive or by the north door on Sellmeyer. After the 7:45 bell, you can only enter through the front entrance. Please pull all the way up and unload quickly to keep the traffic flow moving.


    What are the pickup procedures?

    Kindergarten and 1st grade are picked up on the Sellmeyer side. Please have your identification tag visible. Older siblings will be picked up with the younger ones.

    2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th will be picked up in the front of the school.

    If you are in the pick-up lines, please stay in your car and move all the way up to help the flow of traffic.

    The parking lot by the playground is only for buses and daycare buses.

    Only adults listed in your child’s Skyward Family Access account will be allowed to pick up.


    When is my child considered late? Can I pick up my child early?

    Your child is considered late if they are not in their classroom by the 7:45 tardy bell. Students arriving late should get a tardy slip before going to class. Students with excessive tardies will receive communication from the office and are subject to truancy laws as required by the state of Texas.

    By law, tardies are considered “missing parts of the day”. We will keep record of students leaving early as well.


    What should I do if my child is absent?

    If your child is going to be absent, please call the office at 469-713-5957 or email Kari Pearson at  Please send in a note or doctor’s note when your child returns.

    Special request absences (up to five school days for students who meet compulsory attendance requirements) must have prior approval by the principal. Forms may be obtained from the office or found here Planned Absence Request

    Unexcused absences will result in grades of zero for the day.


    What if I need my child to go home a different way?

    You must call or put the ride change in writing and submit it to your child’s teacher.

    Please keep your child’s Skyward account up to date with pick-up information. Your child will not be released to anyone who is not listed on your account.


    What is the breakfast/lunch schedule and what is the price for my child to eat at school?

    Breakfast is served from 7:15-7:40. 

    • Elementary Paid Breakfasts: $1.35 
    • Elementary Reduced Breakfasts: $0.30

    Lunch prices:

    • Elementary Paid Lunches: $2.85 
    • Elementary Reduced Lunches: $0.40

    Lunch Schedule

    Ktg. - 10:15-11:15

    1st - 10:45- 11:15

    2nd - 11:30-12:00

    3rd - 12:00-12:30

    4th - 12:30-1:00

    5th - 1:00-1:30


    Can I come and eat lunch with my child?

    Yes, you may come up and eat with your child during their lunchtime. You must provide a valid Driver’s License to be scanned by office personnel and receive a printed visitor’s badge.

    All visitors will sit at a designated table with their child only. No other students will be allowed to join you and you may not provide food for other children.


    Can I bring treats for my child’s birthday?

    Yes, you may bring store-bought items. Please bring a treat that is easily distributed as it will be passed out to classmates as they are being dismissed.


    Why aren’t visitors allowed on campus during state-mandated testing?

    LISD schools want to provide a safe and secure testing environment for all students. Visitors will not be allowed in the building on any of the state testing days.


    When can I call or visit my child’s teacher?

    Teachers cannot take phone calls during instructional time. All teachers have a conference time where they can either return your call or schedule a conference with you.

    You may request a conference with teachers at any time. Teachers are required to extend an invitation to a conference once in the fall and again during the second semester.


    What do I do if my child forgets an item needed for school?

    You may drop off a forgotten lunch, homework or needed item in the bins labeled with the appropriate grade in front of the office. As we cannot interrupt the classroom during instructional time, we will send an email to the teacher.


    How can I volunteer to help out at Highland Village Elementary?

    LISD requires each volunteer for on-site and field trip visits to complete a Volunteer Background check at It takes approximately 2-3 weeks for background checks to clear. You need to renew your background check every three years.


    What forms of communication are available for me to keep up with events at HVE?

    Join us on Facebook at

    Follow us on Twitter at @HV_Vikings #lifeisgoodatHVE

    Phone blast and email blasts via Skylert

    School Marquee

    Tuesday Newsday Folders

    P: 469-713-5957

    F: 972-350-9079