Principal's Message
Welcome to Falcon Nation Flower Mound families! We are so glad you are here, and welcome you to our FME family!
Our focus at FME is to carry on our important tradition of kindness while we learn, smile, build friendships and embrace what is before us. Our staff members enjoy coming to school, working together and leading our children every day!
As a Solution Tree recognized Model PLC campus, the FME staff works together as professionals to meet each student's academic needs. In addition, we partner with parents and community members to positively shape the social, emotional, and character development of our students. In turn, our students feel safe, respected, and connected to others, allowing them to thrive academically and socially and be motivated to give back to their communities. ALL of our students are a priority to us!
We continue our focus of providing opportunities for students to thrive in leadership positions, including student council and clubs. We are excited to continue building the critical thinking, collaboration and perseverance required in today’s world.
An effective school is a result of clear, consistent, open, two-way communication. We will be sharing a lot of information with you as we kick off this school year. Please know your input is valued as we strive to make FME the best it can be for your child. We welcome your comments, suggestions, concerns and, of course, praises!
If you don't already, please follow us on Facebook by visiting and "Liking" us! Your child's homeroom teacher or grade level will have a Facebook page for you to follow this year as well. We will use social media frequently to share updates, school news, and the awesome things happening here on campus!
We encourage you to become involved and join our fantastic FME PTA! We are a fabulous team that works together for the benefit of all our students. Come get involved and learn first-hand all the reasons FME is such an amazing place for students.
I look forward to seeing many of you again as well as meeting our new families. We’ll make a great team and I hope we learn and work together for years to come.
Christy Van Scoyoc