Week 1
Word Layout, proofreader marks, skills improvement
Week 2
Find/Replace, office clipboard, templates, navigating a document
Week 3
Letters and Proofing Tab, document properties
Week 4
Text and Paragraph Editing, alignment, bullets and numbering
Week 5
Tabulation, tables, and graphics
Week 6
Week 5 continued and multi-columns, footnotes
Weeks 7-8
Independent practice of Word skills
Week 9
Review and semester test
G'Metrix/Certiport testing
Week 10
Excel Spreadsheets: appearance, organization, basic formulas
Word review: GMetrix practice
Week 11
Excel Spreadsheets: Functions, absolute and relative cell references
Word review: GMetrix practice
Week 12
Excel Spreadsheets: Conditional formatting, Charts
Word review: GMetrix practice