• Sequence


    Grade: 10-12


    This course provides an overview of career exploration through systems of the healthcare industry. The course focuses on ethics, leadership, cultural diversity, communication skills and an introduction to medical math and research, with an emphasis on past and current healthcare trends. Additional topics include: public health, community education, nutrition, health and wellness across life stages and infection control. Employability skills are emphasized. Small group with cooperative peer interactions and presentation skills are necessary to be successful. Scrubs required. This course must be paired with Medical Terminology. Offered at both Career Centers



    Grade: 10-12

    This course is a Latin and Greek language-based class that studies the structure of medical terminology. Emphasis is placed on root words, prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms as they apply to anatomy and physiology. Spelling and pronouncing the medical terms is required. Employability skills are emphasized. This is a fast-paced class that encourages collaborative, as well as independent learning. Requires good attendance and a motivated learner. Scrubs required. This course must be paired with Principles of Health Science. Offered at both Career Centers



    Grade: 10-12

    Prerequisite: Principles of Health Science, Medical Terminology

    This course provides application of concepts learned in Principles of Health Science and Medical Terminology. The student demonstrates professional integrity and applies the principles needed to identify and resolve medical issues and promote health and wellness within populations. The students will demonstrate skills required in the clinical setting, evaluate and employ ethical behavioral standards required to be effective and efficient in clinical settings. 20 hours of documented community service required. Scrubs required. This course must be paired with Health Science Theory. Offered at Career Center East.



    Grade: 10-12

    Prerequisite: Principles of Health Science, Medical Terminology, Biology

    This course provides application of concepts learned in Principles of Health Science and Medical Terminology. The student will demonstrate mastery of concepts re/to health and wellness, patient education, environmental health and epidemiology. Students will demonstrate professional integrity necessary to be effective in both clinical and non-clinical settings. Students will interpret complex technical material, apply mathematical skills appropriate to situations in a health-related environment. Industry expectations of professional conduct reinforced. Scrubs Required. This course must be paired with Health Science Clinical. Offered at Career Center East.



    Grade: 12

    Prerequisite: Principles of Health Science, Medical Terminology (If taken prior to 2017-18), Biology, Health Science Clinical, Health Science Theory (If taken after 2017-18)
    Recommended Prerequisite: Chemistry and Algebra 2

    Required: Scrubs, Lab Coat, iPad, Transportation to externship sites (No district transportation provided).  Special Note: Students are required to have a Social Security Number in order to Register with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy
    Fees: $250 Course and Certification (Includes PTCE Certification, 10 Panel Physical Drug Test, Malpractice Insurance, Instructional Materials, and Background Check)
    *Fees subject to changes

    The Pharmacy Technician Program is a college level course with the objective of equipping students with knowledge, technical skills, and employability skills required for an entry-level position in the pharmacy field or related area. Our teaching techniques encourage active student participation and may include group discussions and projects, laboratory work, simulations, demonstrations, field trips, guest speakers, and lectures. Students in this course are given the opportunity to participate in an unpaid externship program with local retail pharmacies in which they will work under the guidance of a Pharmacist. A strong emphasis is placed on ethics, accountability, professionalism, and the individual’s commitment to pursuing lifelong personal and professional development. In addition, students who successfully complete the course and graduate will have the opportunity to sit for the (PTCE) Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam following graduation. Note that not all fees are required up front. Many of these expenses, the fee required, will be paid at the time it comes due by the party requiring that fee. Students must register for and be licensed Pharmacy Technician Trainees with the State of Texas and provide proof of this registration on the first day of class or payment arrangement(s) with instructor. Offered at Career Center East Only