• Course Numbers

    DIGITAL ARTS & ANIMATION, 1 credit; ANIMATION I, 1 credit

    Grade: 10-12

    Digital Arts & Animation and Animation I is an introduction to traditional animation. Skills learned in Animation will prepare students for a possible future in the television/movie industry in the areas of animation, character and story development, special effects, and motion graphics. In addition, this course is designed for students that want to pursue careers in video gaming (character and level design), print advertising, scientific visualization, medical animation, interactive applications, and architectural rendering. Students will digitally create both 2D animations and 3D computer-generated animations. The basic principles of design and animation will be covered that have been used by professionals from the days of Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse up to the modern age of Pixar and DreamWorks. All students will have drawing assignments to help them in character design, layout, and story development. With the approval of the instructor, students may have the choice to complete major projects in either 2D (digitally hand drawn) or 3D (polygon models). Students should have basic computer skills and be able to manage files and folders. It is helpful to have skills in drawing and geometry prior to taking this course. Material and supply fees may be required. Adobe Certification Exams Available. Animation I and Animation I Lab must be taken concurrently. Offered at Career Center East


    ANIMATION II, 1 credit; ANIMATION II LAB, 1 credit

    Grade: 11-12

    Recommended Prerequisite: Animation I

    Animation II allows students to apply their knowledge of animation to complete fully developed projects that may be used in their portfolio (reel). With the approval of the instructor, students may have a chance to complete major projects in 2D or 3D. All students will have the opportunity to further their progression by learning acting techniques, lip sync, advanced walk/run/jump cycles, rigging 2D and 3D characters using bones, forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, soft-body dynamics, cloth and clothing, and special effects (smoke, fire, fog). Students may also have an opportunity to explore other related areas including motion graphics, visualizations, interactive applications, and game simulations. In addition to at least one major individual project, students will combine their talents in a group project. Students are expected to create animated shorts that can be used by the community and entered into animation/film festivals. Students will present their final portfolio to the public during the last two weeks of the semester. The Animation II Lab is offered concurrently and gives students time to apply concepts covered in the course to animated short films. Material and supply fees may be required. Adobe Certification Exams Available. Autodesk Certification Exams Available. Animation II and Animation II Lab must be taken concurrently. Offered at Career Center East



    Grade: 11-12

    Recommended Prerequisite: Animation II

    Practicum in Animation is a high level study of the art and technique of animation as applied to the film, broadcast, web, and gaming industries. Students will have a chance to focus their study in a particular area including 3D character animation, 2D character animation, modeling, character design, texturing, dynamics and particle effects, 3D scientific visualizations, medical animation, video game art, level design, game modules, and motion capture. This course is designed specifically for students that are preparing to major in this discipline in college. Students will complete both individual and group projects that may be used for entrance in post-secondary institutions, earn scholarships, or acquire internships or employment. Students are expected to create an extensive print and video portfolio from animated shorts that can be used by the community, entered into animation/film festivals, and displayed to the public during the last two weeks of the semester. Note: This course is a special section of the Practicum in Audio Video Production course. Material and supply fees may be required. Offered at Career Center East.