• Being at school is your child's "job".  It is where a lot of learning happens!  Some parents may wonder when they should keep their child at home due to illness.  LISD guidelines are as follows
    • any fever >100.0 with or without flu-like symptoms (sore throat, cough, body aches)
    • persistent vomiting or diarrhea
    • red, crusty, draining eyes
    • contagious conditions (untreated lice, sores like ringworm or impetigo that cannot be covered, unexplained rash and other conditions specified by the Texas State Department of Health)
    • open, draining lesions
    • a student that is too ill to participate in learning activities
    A student must be fever free for 24 hours without medication (like Tylenol or Motrin) before returning to school.  If your student is put on antibiotics for an infection, please keep them home for 24 after starting medication. 
    Believe it or not, some students just want to stay home when they are not sick.  Please make school a priority for them.  Every day at Southridge is a learning day!  Monitoring bedtime and a well organized morning can make it easier to get here in the right frame of mind.
    Don't forget to send a note when they return to school!