AUGUSTWelcome back to school*get your shots updated*update your health info online*bring in your medicines with a doctor's formSEPTEMBERGet settled in!I will be letting teachers know if your students have any special health concerns.22nd-SPOT eye screening for all kinder.Hearing and vision and AN screening starts for 1st, 3rd and 5th grades and anyone new to LISDOCTOBERGet a flu shot if you haven't already!NOVEMBERFinish screenings and send home referrals-remember-no news is good news!MARCH10-Growth and Development film for 5th grade
4/5- kinder registration documentation drop off. Bring updated shot record please.
2nd grade swimming!!!!
Please follow up on hearing and vision referrals. Call me if you have lost your referral and need another.
30 pick up any medications your student has at school.