• Students in elementary school are not permitted to carry their medicine back and forth to school, this goes for prescription medicines and over the counter things like Tylenol or medicated lotions. An adult must bring the medication to school and take it home.  The only exception is emergency medication like inhalers or epipens for allergic reactions.  If your child needs to keep any medication at school here is the procedure-bring the medication to me with the label from the pharmacy on it.  If the label matches exactly how you want it given then we fill out a permission form, you sign it and we are good to go-easy cheesy. If the label does not have all the necessary information or is different from how you or the doctor want it given, the doctor will have to fill out the form and sign it at the bottom.  If your student will "self carry" an inhaler please have the below form filled out by the doctor and you need to sign it. Then I will call your student to my office and he or she will demonstrate that they know how to use it properly and they also sign the form.  These medicine rules might seem complicated but they are intended to keep all students at Highland Village safe and only using medicines that are meant for them.