*get your shots updated
    *update your health info online
    *bring your medicine in with a doctor's form.
    Get settled back in the building!
    I will be letting teachers know if your students have any special health concerns.
    Hearing and vision and AN screening will finish up this month.  Generally, you won't hear from me unless there is a problem.  If you wear glasses please bring them to school.  
    Get a flu shot if you haven't already!
    28th- Scoliosis screening for 5th grade girls.  Contact me if your daughter did not bring home the information sheet or if you would like to have this done at your doctor's office. 
    State of Texas immunization report due. If you are missing immunizations, please get them asap!
    13-17 Spring Break!!!!!



    Please follow up on hearing and vision referrals.  Call me if you have lost your referral and need another.





    I try to get into all the grade levels and do a little teaching.  For sure in kinder we talk about handwashing and practice it too.  1st grade talks about taking care of our teeth.  4th and 5th grade is growth and development.  I hope to teach a little hands-only CPR at some point.  That's a life skill everyone can use!